He pats his pockets and then looks at me expectantly. “Do you have the ring? Can we try that again? But maybe inside this time?”
I look down at my naked hand and back up at him. “Um.” I glance around the deck. The sun is heading for the horizon in a hurry. We only have a handful of minutes of daylight left. I hold up my ringless finger. “I don’t have it.”
“Fuck.” He runs his hand through his luxurious hair.
We scour the deck, but the spaces between the boards are the perfect width for a ring to fit through.
“Please tell me it didn’t fall through one of those cracks.”
“I’ll go down and check.” Sidney puts his flip-flop back on.
“I’ll grab flashlights.” I rush inside and search the cottage for flashlights. I find two, but they die two seconds after I turn them on, so I have to search for batteries. Five minutes later, I join Sidney under the deck. It’s not tall enough for either of us to stand up fully, so we hunch uncomfortably.
“Any luck?” Asking is pointless. If he’d found it, I’d already know.
“Not yet. The flashlights should help.” He shines his on the ground and something small scuttles away.
I scream and slam my head on a joist. “Ah! Shit. That’s going to leave a bruise.”
“Why don’t you just wait inside, babe? I can handle this,” Sidney offers.
“I should help. I’m the one who freaked out.”
We spend the next ten minutes scouring the space under the deck for my brand-new engagement ring that I haven’t even had a chance to wear yet. I hope this isn’t a sign.
The sun has almost completely set by this point and I’m thirty seconds away from hysterical tears, when Sidney shouts, “I found it! It’s here!”
“Yay! Thank God!” The tears of joy stream down my face. I just want to get out from under this deck where I’m sure a million eight-legged creatures and four-legged ones reside.
“Oh shit,” he mutters.
“Oh shit, what?” My heart sinks.
“It literally fell into a pile of shit. Fuck a duck.”
“I’ll grab a napkin.” I turn and rush toward the opening and slam my head a second time on a joist. “Ow! Fuck!”
“Babe, are you okay?” His flashlight swings my way.
“I’m fine. Just clumsy. Keep your eye on the ring. I’ll be right back.” I rush up the stairs, grab a napkin and rush back down, nearly falling again, but I manage not to slam my head against anything else. I hand Sidney the napkin and he retrieves my poop covered ring.
We head back up to the cottage.
After a thorough cleaning, we decide its best if we leave the ring to soak in some disinfectant. I have a bruise on my forehead and another significant bump on top of my head.
“That did not go the way I’d planned,” Sidney inspects the bump on my forehead.
“I don’t think either of us expected a spider the size of a bloated testicle to drop from the sky right in the middle of yourproposal, or for the ring to land in the only pile of shit under the deck.”
“I feel like that was punishment for killing the spider.”
We both shudder.
“Maybe we should not talk about that. And also have a shower. And maybe some engagement-post-traumatic-event-distraction sex.”
“I think all of those things sound great.”
“And then we should drink that bottle of champagne, but I vote you go outside to get it.”