I hope he heeds my warning and stays where he is. The noise my stomach is making is obscene.

Finally, the worst of it seems to be over. But I’m still shaking and my stomach still sounds like there’s a beast living inside it. I’m sweaty and disheveled and I look like a nightmare.

I can’t leave him alone in my house forever, and I have no idea how long I’ve been locked in the bathroom. I spray deodorizer, leave the fan on and close the door, then trudge downstairs to face my date.

He’s sitting on the couch in the living room with his phone in his hand. As soon as he sees me, he tosses his device on the cushion beside him and stands. “Are you okay? Do you have food poisoning?” He crosses the room in three long strides and cups my face between his palms. “Babe, I mean this in the nicest possible way, you are always beautiful, but you really don’t look so good.”

“I think there was dairy in my soup.” My stomach yowls angrily.

Sidney’s eyebrow shoots up and his gaze darts down.

“I can’t really handle dairy. And I thought I took my lactose pills before our date because the last thing I wanted was to end up with gastro distress, but they were right beside the antacids in my cupboard and based on what’s happening to my intestines, I believe I took the wrong pills and the next twelve hours will be loud and angry. I basically feel like I have the flu and food poisoning, but I don’t have the flu or food poisoning. And sex would be a terrible idea unless you have some strangekinks, and then sex would still be a bad idea, but for very different reasons.”

“What can I do to help?” His thumbs brush back and forth along the edge of my jaw, lovely and soothing.

“Nothing really. My body just needs time to stop freaking out and then I’ll be fine. In the meantime, it’ll sound like there’s a battle happening in my stomach and there’s also a good chance I’ll get the sweats again, which is the opposite of sexy.” My word vomit is in full effect. “I’m sorry, Sidney. I was super looking forward to getting you naked and putting some dents in my drywall, but it’s not in the cards tonight.”

The corner of his mouth quirks up. “Denting the drywall, huh? Sounds like you had quite the night planned.”

“I really did. My lingerie game was on point.” I sigh. “This sucks so hard. We’ve been fighting for alone time for weeks and we finally get it and I ruin the night.”

“You didn’t ruin the night, Skye. I enjoy spending time with you. Do I want to find out if we connect in the bedroom like we do outside of it? Absolutely. But I can be patient.” He squeezes my hand. “Now I’m happy to hang out and watch a movie and cuddle on the couch, but I’m not sure if you want me to stick around when you’re not feeling great.”

I bite my lip, considering. “Maybe an action flick, one with lots of revving engines or fight scenes?” That will at least partially mask the horrifying gurgles from my stomach.

He smiles. “I’m good with action.”

I pour him a beer and myself a glass of water, and I take two lactose pills, even though the damage is already done. I’m half-hoping my stomach will settle by the end of the movie, but that doesn’t happen.

At midnight we’re both falling asleep on the couch, so Sidney kisses me goodnight and heads home. I drag myself up to my bedroom and sigh as I take in my perfectly made, unrumpledbed. I should have had to change the sheets tonight because we made a mess of them, not because I’m a sweaty mess.

At least the worst of it seems to be over.

I change into my pajamas and climb into bed, wishing tonight had gone differently.

Chapter Ten

Let’s Try That Again


I wake up at six twenty-seven the next morning. No matter when I go to bed, I’m up early, even on a Sunday. I use the bathroom, relieved that I no longer look like I’m four months pregnant with a gas baby and that the demons are no longer throwing a concert in my stomach.

I can’t believe that happened last night. I also can’t believe Sidney stuck around and watched a movie with me. Or that he didn’t seem to mind that my stomach was almost as loud as the revving engines and the gunfire.

I flop back down in bed and grab my phone from the nightstand. The last message Violet sent was at eleven-thirty to let me know they were back from the movies. Their plan was to stay up unreasonably late talking about boys, so I wouldn’t have to worry about picking her up until sometime around noon. Violet, like most teens, can sleep forever even when she goes to bed at a respectable hour.

Sidney also messaged to let me know he made it home and that he would check on me in the morning.

I slide my feet into my slippers and pad downstairs to the kitchen so I can make myself a pot of coffee and some toast. My stomach feels raw this morning, so simple things like bananas and toast are on the menu.

At seven on the dot my phone buzzes. I key in my passcode and tap it:

Sidney: checking to see how you’re feeling. I hope your night wasn’t too rough after I left.

I smile. It looks like we’re both early risers.

Skye: I’m feeling much better, and I slept like the dead. Wreaking havoc on your digestive system does that to a girl. You’re up early.