“Correct. What else?” I find using hockey terminology helps make sex talks easier and less awkward.
“Score her goal first before I score one for me.” He bites his bottom lip and fights a grin.
I don’t even want to know what that’s about. I wave him off. “Go to bed. You have a game at eight.”
He heads for the stairs. “Dad?”
“Sorry I ruined the end of your date.”
“You didn’t ruin it.”
“Well, you brought her back here, and you weren’t expecting us to be here, and then she had to drive Millie and Claire home, so we kinda cockblocked you.” His eyes go wide. “Shit. That’s—sorry, Dad.”
“You didn’t—” I shake my head. “Go to bed Miller.”
He disappears up the stairs and I head for the fridge and crack a beer, guzzling half of it in three swallows as I cross through to the living room. I pause at the fireplace mantel and pick up the photo of my late wife and our toddler son. I took it before the cancer diagnosis. Before all her hair fell out from the chemo and the weight loss.
Remembering her doesn’t hurt as much as it used to. But the hollow pang is still present, still real. Miller doesn’t really remember her, which is probably good because the final months were tough. “I’m trying my best. I’m sorry you had to witness that tonight.” I scrub a hand over my face, set the photo on the mantel, and flop down on the lounger.
Inviting Skye over was probably premature. Randy’s and Miller’s antics saved me from moving too fast. We definitely have chemistry, and that dress. Good God, all I wanted to do was peel her out of it. At least I know I can have a three-hour hard-on without the help of chemicals.
I slide my phone out of my pocket and message Skye to see if she got the girls home okay. I need to send her a thank you and apologize. But she doesn’t get back to me right away.
I finish my beer, drop it in the recycle bin and go upstairs to get ready for bed. Miller’s light is off, so I’m hoping he’s asleep. I strip down to my boxers and head for the bathroom. Once I’ve brushed my teeth, I turn off the lights and climb into bed. It’s been more than half an hour since I texted Skye and she still hasn’t responded.
I scroll Skye’s social media and come across a picture of Skye on vacation with her parents and her daughter. She’s wearing a bikini. I’d like to say I keep scrolling, but I don’t. Instead, I go to her albums and search for one labeled Beach Vacay.
And I hit the motherlode. There are endless pictures of Skye on the beach, in the restaurant, on excursions, dressed in various outfits. And of course, because she’s wearing a bathing suit in many of them, my body starts to react. I consider my options. I can ignore the issue and eventually it will go away, or I can manage it. Option two is far more alluring.
As if she knows what I’m thinking about doing, Skye messages back. I read the message through twice. She’s just dropped the girls off. But she left here over an hour ago.
I message back:
Sidney: Did you have to drive across town? Is everything okay? Lmk.
I don’t hear back for a while, so I assume she’s still driving. I must fall asleep because I’m startled awake by the buzz of my phone on my chest.
Skye: Everything’s fine on my end. I had a girl-to-girl talk with Claire and Millie and we ended up going to a café that I’m now in love with. Picked up Violet and she had quite the night. Seems like there’s something in the air. 12 Hope all went well with the boys. *crossed fingers emoji*
I compose a reply, but it takes a while since my fingers are apparently half asleep, too:
Sidney: Talk with the boys was appropriately awkward, but it needed to be had. Thank you for dealing with the girls.That wasn’t how I envisioned our date ending. Maybe we can check out that café next week, if you have time in your schedule and I haven’t completely scared you off.
Skye: you haven’t scared me off at all. The opposite, in fact. I love that your priority was managing your son and his friend tonight, and that you accepted my help with the girls. I would love to see you next week. Let’s chat tomorrow and see what works in our schedules.
“Fuck yeah.” I fist pump.
Sidney: Miller has a game in the morning, I’ll message when he’s on the ice. I’m very much looking forward to hearing about your chat with the girls.:)
Skye: Ha! It was enlightening on both sides. Chat soon. Night.
Sidney: night
I set my phone on my nightstand and go to sleep with a smile on my face.