Called to her.
And she wanted so badly to answer him. To let him know she was there, that she wanted him, that she was sorry she’d been frightened and had brought Lucian at all, because he was spoiling it and she wouldn’t forgive him for this. For being like the rest of their family, brute that he’d proven himself to be.
But there was the rest of her. Shoved down and locked away inside herself that insisted that was wrong, that he was listening to her, fighting for her, to offer her the choices she’d said she’d wanted.
“Stop!” came that voice again. The one that sounded anxious and worried, and her head lulled to the side and there he was, more than just a dark figure against a rapidly retreating city. The clouds broke, and the moonlight hit him just so, and he caught her gaze, if just for a moment. And the bond flared. Pushed. Ripped her open and tumbled free, and her mouth opened to scream at the feel of it, but she could conjure no sound at all.
Because it was settling into him. Pushing and squirming, and while he seemed surprised by it, there was no pain. No agony.
Just a surge of movement as he flew nearer still.
He was strong, and he would overtake them, Lucian burdened by her weight. “I am a healer,” he insisted, his words carrying better now that he was closer. “Land, please. Let me help her.”
And she laughed.
A broken, wretched sound because she could think again. Could curl her fingers and clutch at Lucian’s robe.
A healer.
Of course he was.
“Lucian,” she murmured as he looked down at her in alarm. She touched his cheek, and she felt his frown. “Thank you,” she offered, and meant it. He relaxed, just a little, because he must have known she’d come back to herself. “We won’t make it if I’m slowing you down.”
He opened his mouth to argue with her, but she shook her head. “Let me do this,” she entreated. “Please. I... need to.”
He swallowed. Kissed her once on the top of her head, and let her drop.
Which was not exactly what she’d intended, but her wings knew what to do.
They spread and surged, while Lucian darted to the other side, disappearing from view.
Which meant she would choose for herself. If she’d run. Hide herself away and let him feel some of the pain she’d endured for years. Let him feel the absence.
She could stay.
Talk with him.
Perhaps even like him.
He’d gone after Lucian at first, which gave her a head start. A moment to think, to decide for herself.
It did not last for long. Perhaps he’d seen Lucian was no longer burdened, or perhaps the bond had settled quick and deep, urging him back toward her.
He was calling out to her, but the wind carried his voice in the opposite direction. But she could feel it, which was enough to send a shiver through her. No more echoing into the dark. But a person. Warm and very much alive, suddenly on the other end of her tangles.
Not tangles.
Cords. Thick and strong as they drew taut as he came nearer, coming after her.
She should feel elated. Or frightened.
Or... anything at all.
But the tonic had worn away, likely because of the struggle the bond had waged against Lucian.
She landed. It hadn’t mattered where, only that it was in the vague direction of home.