Page 98 of Protecting Bianca

“Did they find her?” Will’s eyes were frantic as he must have heard something over the phone and now was trying to decipher my reaction. I couldn’t speak, could barely get the word out. “Yes.”

He dropped his head back and inhaled sharply. “Oh, man. Oh fuck, yes!”

I chuckled at Will’s relief and my euphoria.

She was alive!

I picked up my phone. “We’re coming right now.”

“Jager, wait!”

Khan’s voice was steady and professional again. “We’re taking her to the hospital. Her breathing is shallow. Meet us at City Grace.”

“I’ll be there,” I said and hung up the phone. “They’re taking her to City Grace hospital.”

“She’s going to make it, Jager. She will.”

I nodded and prayed that he was right.



I breathed in and out slowly as Will drove us to the hospital. My emotions were high, and I tried every tactic I’d learned in the army to control them. This ordeal wasn’t over. I needed to be strong for Bianca and not lose it in front of her.

Will called Christian and Jake and told them what had happened. Khan was sending police to Towers’ office and an ambulance, too. I would sort through that mess later. Now, I just needed to see her, feel her, andknow that she still breathed the same air as me.

Inhale. Exhale. One… two… three… four…

By the time Will pulled up to the emergency room entrance, my breathing was steady, and I felt every nerve in my body spring to life. The numbness was gone. I wanted to feel everything now.

“I’ll see you inside after I park.”

“Thanks for driving.”

I sprinted up the concrete pathway to the automatic glass doors. A man pushed awheelchair with a woman holding a baby, and I pivoted to move out of the way. My gaze was focused on finding Khan. I knew he had to be here.

I found him near the back of the room. “Khan!”

“Jager, hey.” He rushed toward me. “They took her in a little while ago. A doctor is seeing her now.”

“Can I go?”

He shook his head. “The nurse said we have to wait here.” He looked around the room. “There are some empty seats down there.”

“I can’t sit, Khan. I’ve got to see her.”

I walked over to the nurse’s station. “The police brought in a woman a little while ago. Her name is Bianca Rimoli.”

“Yes. She’s doing fine. The doctor has seen her, but we want to keep her for further observation.”

I closed my eyes when I heard that she was fine. “I’ve got to see her, please.”

“She needs her rest.”

“I won’t say a word, I promise. Just let me see her for a minute.”

I waited, hoping she would understand. She rolled her eyes. “Son, you’ve got five minutes, and don’t make me come in there.”