Page 19 of Protecting Bianca

He shook his head. “You weren’t standing where I was standing. From my point of view, he was seething like him, too. I wonder what your brother might have said to upset him before I got there.”

I pursed my lips and wondered about that, too. Jager did look upset, but that could be attributed to several things. “He has a lot going on at work right now. He’s Mr. Towers’ new bodyguard.”

“Bodyguard, huh?”

I nodded.

“You know? I think we should stop talking about Jager Payne.”

“All right. What should we talk about?” I turned to look at Stewart as he backed out of the driveway. “Oh, I know. Let’s discuss what you’re wearing to my cousin Amy’s wedding next weekend.”

Stewart’s face fell and my heart sank. “What? What is it?”

He rubbed his palm over his thigh as he drove down the street. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that.”

That sinking feeling persisted. “Okay. What did you want to talk about? I will take care of the gift and, of course, you can wear whatever you want. It’ll be super chill.”

“No. No. That’s not it.”

“What is it then?”

“I just don’t think I’m ready to take such a big step in this relationship. I think we should slow it down.”

I stared at Stewart and wondered what the hell he was talking about. “Okay. We’re not the ones getting married, though. You’ll just be my guest, and you know how much I hate going to family functions alone. It won’t be a big deal to anyone else there but me.”

“I know. I guess I’m just feeling pressured.”

I inhaled deeply and tried to speak calmly, even though I wanted to shake him. “I’m not taking this as anything more than another date. I swear. I just need someone there with me that night. Family functions can be…I don’t know…uncomfortable for me.” I usually had the worst stomach aches before and terrible migraines afterward from the stress.

“But who will they think I am? Your boyfriend? I’m not sure we’ve labeled our relationship yet.” He pulled up into the bowling alley parking lot, but didn’t turn to face me.

I couldn’t contain my frustration anymore. I shook my head and blew out my breath. “Just forget it, Stewart. If you’re not comfortable going to the wedding with me, that’s fine.”

He exhaled again and smiled as though I’d just told him he didn’t have to file his taxes this year. “Thanks. Ready to get our bowl groove on?”

Who said something like that? What was I thinking dating this guy? I’d promised River I would get out more, but this wasn’t it. The words, ‘take me home’, nearly spilled out of my mouth when I remembered that Jager was there, and I didn’t want to see him right now. Being rejected by Stewart and coming home to the man who had rejected me ten years ago was more than I could handle right now. I’d rather hit several pins with a heavy bowling ball than go home.

“Yeah. Sounds great,” I said with so little enthusiasm I was sure Stewart would notice. But he didn’t.

Instead, he smiled and walked on ahead as I trailed behind, wondering how the heck I’d get through the next few hours.



As soon as the door closed, I whipped my head around and lashed out at River. “What the fuck, man?”

He opened his beer but didn’t look me in the eye. “What?”

“Don’t fuck with me. You know what.”

He shrugged. “I really don’t. You wanted to come over and talk, so what do you want to talk about?”

I pointed to the door. “That.”

“You didn’t know about Stewart before now, so why would you want to talk about him?” He put his feet up on the couch and I wanted to shake him.

Instead, I walked over to the couch and stood in front of him with my arms crossed. “I thought I would come here tonight and see if we could hang out like we used to. And tell you I finally understand why you weren’t comfortable having a friend date your sister. But then, this!” I pointed to the damn door. “Stewart fucking Price walks in and I find out he’s dating your sister. Are you fucking serious right now?”