Page 3 of Protecting Bianca

“Much appreciated.”

Janis followed me out of the boardroom and as we walked toward my office, a police officer approached us. “The building is under lockdown, miss. No one comes in or out.”

“Understood, officer. We’re just going to my office down the hall.” He nodded and moved out of the way.

“I can’t believe this is happening,” said Janis, running her hands through her short black hair. “I don’t feel safe here anymore.”

“Don’t panic, Janis,” I said after reaching my desk. “This is probably some sick joke and the police will find the guy by the end of the week. It will all be over soon.”

Lizzie interrupted any response when she walked in and put her arms around Janis. “Are you okay?”

Janis nodded and pushed down a sob that was stuck in her throat. “Yeah. Just a little shook up.”

“I can’t imagine what that must have been like. You should go home and try to forget this ever happened.”

Janis dropped into the office chair in front of my desk. “I wish I could, but Mr. Towers wants me to find a security detail for him by the end of the day!”

“Wow, that doesn’t give you a lot of time.”

It sure didn’t.

Janis pushed off the chair. “I better get to my desk and start calling some companies.”

“I’m already on it.” I chewed on a hangnail as I read the long list of companies in my search. “There’s a lot to go through and vet. How do we know we can trust any of these companies? It would take weeks to get references and interview them.” I blew out a frustrated breath.

Janis moaned, but Lizzie asked, “What about Jager Payne?”

My body stiffened at the sound of his name. I hadn’t heard it in more than ten years. I was eighteen years old then and cried myself to sleep saying his name over and over again into my wet pillow until exhaustion finally set in.

“Who?” I asked nonchalantly.

“Jager Payne. Your brother’s high school friend. I heard he started a security business after leaving the military. I hear it’s one of the best in the country.”

I used to think that Lizzie dating my brother was a great idea, but I was starting to see the drawbacks. He must have mentioned Jager to her, and now she was suggesting the only man to have ever broken my heart as the person who should protect us.

“I’m sure he’s really busy. And probably not even in the country. I bet he’s gallivanting around the world protecting crown princes or something.”

“No. Your brother spoke to him last weekend.”

My head shot up. “He did?” I blinked. “He never mentioned it to me.”

Lizzie shrugged. “Well, he did, and I think it’s worth calling him.”

My body buzzed from adrenaline and some fight-or-flight response. I did not want to see Jager again. I’d spent too long trying to forget him.

“It’s alright, Lizzie. There are a bunch of other companies nearby with five-star ratings. I’m going to give these guys a try.”

“But you said it yourself that it would take weeks to vet them out.”

I laughed a little too loudly. “Well, you know me. I love a good challenge. I’ll just get on it right away.”

Lizzie tilted her head and raised her eyebrow, but said nothing else. “Fine. But if you change your mind—”

“I won’t.”

Lizzie stood in front of my desk, but I was too busy writing down phone numbers from my search to read if there was anything on her face that found my behavior suspicious. This would be difficult, but I wouldn’t give up so easily. I had seven hours to find someone—anyone—else because I didn’t know what I’d do if I ever saw Jager Payne again.

I called the first number in my notebook. When they weren’t available, I tried the second and the third company. Finally, after hours of moving lower and lower down my list, I found someone who could come in tomorrow. “Thank you, Mr. Jones. I look forward to meeting you.”