I’d been so preoccupied by the photos that I hadn’t heard him approach. He had small eyes and a large nose and mouth. He had pulled his straight brown hair into a low ponytail and wore an ill-fitting light gray suit.
It took every ounce of restraint to hold back from launching my fist into his face.
I looked into those small brown eyes with barely any lashes on them. “I’m looking at your computer.”
His eyes flew to the screen, and his mouth hardened. “You don’t have permission to do that.”
“Yes, I do.”
“Well, I need to get to work, so if you don’t mind, get out.”
Interesting. The man wasn’t intimidated by me. He held my gaze and folded his arms. He had either been getting away withthis for a long time and wasn’t concerned about getting caught or lacked self-preservation.
I didn’t get up. “Why do you have so many photos of Bianca Rimoli on your computer?”
His mouth twitched, but still I sensed no fear, only annoyance. “Because she happens to be at the events and runs them.”
“You don’t have as many photos of the rest of the team or even the CEO who speaks at the events.”
He sighed, but narrowed his eyes. “I’m sure you’re mistaken.”
I nodded and stood from his desk. Rubbing my lips, I carefully contemplated my next words. “If I see you sniffing around Bianca, or even looking at her in a way I don’t think she’ll appreciate, I’ll cut that ponytail and shove it down your throat so far it will come out of your ass.”
He remained still, only blinked to show that he had heard me. However, a bead of sweat formed on his brow, and it was enough for now.
I left his office in search of Mr. Towers. I found him in the hallway.
“May I have a word, sir?”
Despite his retirement age, Towers maintained good posture and a fine tailor. He pushed down on his lapels and nodded toward his office.
“What can I help you with, Jager?” he asked after closing the door behind us.
“I think you should fire Jeremy Tagert.”
“The man in office 101.”
Pressing three fingers to his forehead, he shook his head. “Why should I fire him?” Then he snapped his head to look at me. “Do you suspect him to be part of what happened to me?”
I clenched my fist at my side. If I said yes, he would surely fire the man, but that wasn’t why I wanted Tagert gone. “I believe he is behaving inappropriately with a particular woman in the office.”
“Did this woman come to you with a complaint?”
“Then, how do you know?”
“I saw photos on his computer that I believe are improper.”
I nodded.
He laughed and I felt sick to my stomach. “What’s so funny, sir?”
“I can’t fire a guy for that. If I did, I would have our lawyer up my ass so fast, I’d shit them out for breakfast. No, you concentrate on what you’ve been hired to do. Catch the sick son of a bitch who’s out to get me.”