“So, I was a pawn?”
“More like an unaware decoy.”
Jager exhaled loudly. “It’s my fault you got dragged into this and nearly sent to that—to that place.”
We knew the private island Walsh had intended for us wouldn’t be a paradise or a vacation. It would be a level of hell in which I would most likely pray for death.
“None of this is your fault, Jager. You were only trying to do your job.”
Jager ran his hand through his hair, unmoved by my assertion. “What about Tagert? How is he involved in all of this?”
“Walsh knew about Tagert’s obsession with Bianca, well before Jager found those photos on his computer. We think Walsh used that to entice Tagert. When we spoke to Tagert, he told us Walsh promised to make him VP when he became president and then you would have no choice but to listen to him.”
“But why would Tagert agree to send me to that island if he wanted me for himself?”
“He never knew about that part of the plan. Instead, Walsh told him he was supposed to be the one to find you in the trunk and play the hero. Except he encountered Jager in the office before he could get there.”
“How did you know I was in the trunk?” I asked.
“Jager figured it out and called me.”
I turned to Jager, and he was shaking his head. “Don’t look at me like that. I’m not the hero in this, I’m the villain. It’s my fault you were taken and my fault that I left Towers unprotected.”
Khan scoffed. “You had him inside a secure building. It’s not your fault that the enemy was within. Besides, you’d tried to warn Towers about Tagert, but he wouldn’t listen. Your instincts are keen, my friend."
“He’s right, Jager. This isn’t your fault.”
“Hardly. In fact, Jager’s hard work led us to look into Walsh’s bank statements and we found large cash withdrawals that match the amounts he paid for the pig and for the delivery man’s service. My offer still stands, Jager, we’d love to have a guy like you working with us.”
I stared at Jager, but he had crossed his arms again and was staring out the window. Turning to Khan, I smiled. “Thank you for telling me everything. As hard as it is to hear, I’d rather know the whole truth of it.”
“Yes. I’ve found in my experience that facing the truth is the most important factor in moving forward. I hope this helped.”
“It did. Thank you.”
Khan stood and walked over to Jager. “Think about it.”
Jager nodded, but didn’t respond. He appeared deep in thought.
Khan sighed and walked over to the door, giving one last nod to me before he left. Jager, breaking from his thoughts, followed and locked it behind him. He stood with his back to me and his hands on his hips.
“Hey,” I said, walking up behind him and wrapping my arms around his waist. “You’ve got to stop blaming yourself. You hear me? Because we’re not wasting anymore time in the past. We’ve got a whole future ahead of us.”
He turned and put his hands on my waist. He stared at me and brushed the strands away from my face. With a sigh, he said, “You’re right. I promised myself that nothing would stand between us again, and it definitely won’t be my pride. I love you, Bianca. I hate that my love was used against you, but I can’t helphow I feel. It just sucks that someone took advantage of it. But I can’t help it. I love everything about you and us.”
“Me, too.” I smiled. “Now, why don’t you come show me how much you love me?”
“You are killing me, you know that? Have you forgotten we are supposed to be at your brother’s place for dinner in thirty minutes?”
Shit.I hadn’t forgotten, but I also hadn’t realized what time it was. “Fine. Raincheck then.”
He kissed me. “Most definitely.”
Jager watched me as I clasped on my earrings. “You really are stunning—the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”