“Well, she’s not. She and Walsh never came back here.”
“Then I have no idea where she is.”
There was something in his voice that made me question the validity of that statement. He said it too quickly.
“Where are you right now?”
“In my car, heading back to the office.”
“Call me if you hear from either of them.”
“Aye, aye, captain.”
I hung up the phone and immediately opened a different app on my computer. This one allowed me to track phone numbers from cell towers. I keyed in Jeremy’s number and waited as the program searched where he was.
Come on.
There. The green light pinged, and I located Jeremy near Glendale and Morning streets. Those streets were on the way from the event space to the office. So far, Jeremy was telling the truth about coming back here.
I gripped the mouse tightly in my fist as I tried to clear my head. Images of Bianca, hurt and scared, popped into my thoughts and I couldn’t shake them off.
Without thinking, I dialed Will’s number.
“Hey, Jager. What’s going on?”
“I think Bianca’s missing, and I can’t think clearly, so I need someone to help me navigate this.”
“Okay, I’ve got you. Tell me what you know so far.”
“She left shortly before noon this morning to the X Hotel. Her team was there with her. At some point, Walsh was there too, and he was supposed to drive her back to the office for an interview with the New Yorker. They left at 4 p.m. and it’s now,” I checked my watch, “5:20 p.m.”
“Have you tried tracking her phone?”
“Yes. But she left it in the office. I have it here with me.”
“Shit. Okay. What about Walsh’s phone? Have you tracked his yet?”
“No. Fuck. This is what I mean. I’m not thinking straight.”
“It’s all right. Do it now.”
I’d always been the calm one, and I was panicking.
I pulled up Walsh’s number and waited as the program located his cell phone. “There,” I said. “He’s coming up on the East side of the city. Nowhere close to the office or the hotel.”
“Could they have made a stop someplace else and are now stuck in traffic?”
But my gut told me it wasn’t that easy. There was a sinking feeling in my stomach I hadn’t felt since the day in special ops when the plan all went to shit.
When we lost Jordan.
“I’m coming there, and we’ll find them together. Just wait for me.”
“All right. I’ll check on some things in the meantime.”
Will hung up the phone, and I immediately called the nearest hospital. “I need to know if anyone by the name of Bianca Rimoli has been admitted.”