I was silent for a few minutes as he drove. “Where are we going?”
“There’s this place not too far from here. It’s quiet and there’s always a free table at the back.”
“Is it your special table?” I teased.
I laughed, then stopped to look at him. “You’re not joking?”
He shrugged. “They usually keep it open for me. I go there often.”
“Do you live in the city?” I asked.
“On Park Avenue.”
I couldn’t help it. I let out a whistle. “Wow. I guess the rumors are true and you are doing well for yourself.”
“I still keep in touch with some friends from high school and people talk.”
“I heard you went into the military.”
“You heard?”
I nodded, and he made a strange sound, a laugh maybe, but I wasn’t sure.
“I also heard you were rich now, but I don’t think the military is paying that well. At least, no one else I know is living on Park Avenue with a military salary. I guess the bodyguard business is doing well.”
“I’m doing okay. And no, my financial security isn’t due to my military service or bodyguarding.”
“Are you hacking into the bank?” I laughed, remembering how he’d love to hack into the school’s files and change his grades from Cs to Bs.
“Yes, but that’s not it, either.”
I laughed harder this time. “Are you serious? You hack into banks? Are you crazy?”
He grinned. “They pay me to do it.”
“They pay me to find the weaknesses in their security systems.”
“Oh, that makes sense. I’m glad you’re using your special powers for good now.”
He winked. “Sometimes.”
The way he teased me sounded so familiar that my breath caught in my throat and my laugh died.
“I’m only kidding, B. I wouldn’t jeopardize the business or my future like that.”
The nickname surprised me. I hadn’t heard it since he’d left. A rush of memories flooded my brain, and my hands shook from the overwhelming emotions they evoked.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” I smiled weakly. “Just hungry.”