After uploading the image, I watched thousands of pictures zoom past my screen. This could take hours for the computer to find a match if there even was one. This program didn’t just hold mug shots, but it allowed me to reference social media posts and any photo on the internet. The problem was, I only had the delivery man’s eyes. I worried if it would be enough.
While I waited, I tapped my fingers on the desk and stared at my phone. I wasn’t expecting a call, but as though I’d conjured it up, the phone rang.
“Hey River, how are you?” I hadn’t heard from him since I started the assignment a couple of days ago.
“Good, buddy. How’s it going?”
“I don’t have the perp yet, but I think we’re close.”
“Isn’t it the police’s job to investigate?”
“It sure is. But that’s never stopped me before.”
River chuckled. “Yeah, that sounds exactly like you.”
I leaned back in my seat and rested my ankle on my knee with a smile. It had been a while since River and I chatted. “Listen, man,” I said. “I was thinking maybe I would come over later. There was something I wanted to talk to you about.” I’d been meaning to speak to River about that fateful night for nearly ten years, but always wanted to do it in person. This was my chance to finally do it.
River hesitated. “Ah…tonight?”
“Uh…sure. But come after eight.”
I pursed my lips. “If it’s not a good night—”
“No. It’s fine. I just might have company until then, but afterward, I’m free.”
“Sounds good. See you then.”
As I ended the call, I couldn’t help but wonder how strange River sounded. He’d always been straight with me, but it felt like he was hiding something now.
I laughed so hard that I fell off the blue beanbag chair in my bedroom. ‘Thank you.’ I typed, wiping the tears from my face. ‘I had a stressful day at work, and you always make me feel better.’
‘You’re welcome.’ Ruby’s message popped up on my large screen. We’d been chatting for over thirty minutes, mainly about nothing, but it meant everything to me. I often wondered if there was something wrong with me that I got along better with someone online than I did with most of my friends. She always made me feel safe and knew how to make me smile.
‘I had a pretty shit day at work today, too,’ Ruby typed.
‘Really? Tell me about it.’
‘Nah. I’d rather play video games.’
Ruby rarely opened up. She kept her personal life private, but I didn’t mind. I did the same too. I think we both appreciated the escape and while we preferred our solitude rather than hanging out at a bar, I think we both liked having the other there for moral support.
‘I have to go,’ she typed about fifteen minutes later. ‘I tangled myself into some plans tonight.’
I smiled. It was just as I’d thought. ‘No worries. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.’
‘Talk then.’
After Ruby logged off, I stayed in the game for only a few more minutes before shutting it down. I checked my messages and email, and I realized that I should probably get ready, too. Stewart was coming by tonight.
I dragged myself to my closet and stared at my clothes.Ugh, I should go shopping.
Besides black skirts and blouses for work, I only had sweatpants and hoodies. There was no in-between. I’d gotten away with some work clothes in the past for our dates, but I felt I was giving Stewart the impression that I didn’t have much of a life. The truth was, I desperately wanted to save money for my own place, so new clothes would have to wait.