My eyes flew open, and I blinked rapidly again, only this time it had nothing to do with the light.
The machine next to me beeped like crazy and I knew it was because my heart just flew out of my chest. Jager Payne loved me. He not only loved me, but he also wanted to marry me, and stick by me for better or worse.
“I’m not asking now. I’m just telling you my intentions. When I ask, I’m going to do it properly. But I want you to know so that there is no question as to how I feel. I love you, Bianca, and nothing and no one will ever get between us.”
He caressed my face. The roughness of his thumb somehow felt soothing against my flushed skin. I swallowed and mustered all the energy in my body to say what I felt deep inside my heart.
“I love you, too, Jager. I always have.”
Jager grabbed the laundry hamper from my hands. “You shouldn’t be lifting anything heavy.”
“It’s been three days, Jager. The doctor cleared me of any lingering effects from the drugs, and I feel fine.”
“I am not letting you get tired. Not under my watch.”
I rolled my eyes but hid my smile. He had been like this for three days, although I’ve been growing stronger each day. “My car is still acting funny. Do you mind dropping me off at work tomorrow before you go to your office?”
He stopped with the laundry basket still in hand. “What do you mean? You’re not going back to work already, are you?”
“Of course I am. I know we had to postpone the event a week, but that only gives me four days to make sure the caterers, decorators, and everyone else get the updated details.”
“Bianca.” Jager put down the basket and walked over to me. “You can’t be serious.”
“There’s a lot to do.”
“And your team will take care of it.”
“No, Jager. I will. I appreciate you wanting to look out for me, but I feel fine, and I’ve got people counting on me.”
“Are you sure about this?”
“A hundred percent sure.”
He sighed. “All right. But if you feel even the slightest bit dizzy…”
I placed my hand on his cheek. “I promise I’ll take it easy.” I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him, slowly. He held back as he had these last few days, and I groaned. “When are you going to kiss me properly, and not like I’m some piece of glass that will break?”
He bit his lip, then kissed me softly. “If you only knew how hard I was holding back, you wouldn’t push so much.”
With a smirk, I shoved him lightly on the chest. “There.”
“Careful, woman. You’re playing with fire.”
I rubbed my hands over his chest and felt a rumble beneath my fingers.
That was interesting.
Moving my hand slowly, I trailed my fingers down the ridges of his stomach and felt the muscles bunch underneath his white t-shirt. My fingers hovered over his belt and then gently brushed the fabric over his burgeoning erection. “B,” Jager warned, and I smiled. “Yes?”
“You know what you’re doing.”
“Absolutely. Is it working?”
“You fucking know it is.”