Page 100 of Protecting Bianca

I didn’t know how much time had passed, but it felt like days that I’d been laying here in the dark. My body ached and my throat was clogged, robbing me of breath.

Then my body relaxed, and the chills subsided. Warmth emanated from my hand, up my arm, and throughout my chest. I no longer felt alone.

Someone else was breathing beside me, and despite the heaviness of my lids, I struggled to open my eyes.

I’d expected to see darkness, but instead, a blinding light from above forced me to close them again.Ow, that hurt. My head throbbed, and my mouth was so dry it felt as though I’d eaten sand.

The breathing beside me grew louder, but I wasn’t afraid. It was comforting.

Other sounds vibrated in the air next to me—machines beeping and distant voices.

Despite the discomfort of the light, I tried opening my eyes again.

I squinted as my vision adjusted to my surroundings. At first the white walls, fluorescent lights, and pock-marked ceiling confused me, but then the multi-colored curtain and bed rail beside me clued me in that I was in a hospital room. I wiggled my toes and fingers. I could move my toes and right hand without a problem, but there was something heavy on my left hand prohibiting any movement. Turning toward it, I smiled at the headful of light brown hair covering my hand. His face was turned away from me, but I knew it was him instantly. His breath tickled my skin, and I closed my eyes again.

A surge of emotion grew inside my chest. Dawn was just breaking outside my window, and I knew he must have stayed with me all night. I couldn’t remember what happened exactly after Walsh pulled the car over at the pier. I remember yelling at him frantically, and then he stabbed me in the neck with something sharp—a needle, perhaps.

The next thing I remembered was being lifted into a small space. I saw Walsh’s face briefly before everything went dark again.

Until now.

I was safe—better than safe—I was loved and I knew it because he had stayed here with me. He didn’t leave me behind. It was the silliest thing to think of when I had no idea what was going on, but the only thing I cared about was that I was alive and Jager was here with me.

My heart raced as the tears pushed through. It was difficult to breathe with this mask over my face, so I tried to lift it, but my arm was too weak. The beeping beside me grew louder and Jager’s head snapped up.

“Nurse!” he shouted as he frantically stared at the machine. “Nurse!”

I tried to speak, but my throat was too dry, and this darn mask was too big.

Someone raced up to my bed and checked the machine. A woman sighed. “She’s fine. But she’s struggling.”

Jager’s face appeared in front of me. His eyes were red and swollen, and frown lines etched around his mouth. “Bumblebee?”

Despite the lights, I forced my eyes open and blinked rapidly.

“B,” Jager fell forward slightly, relief evident on his face.

I smiled, and I hoped he could see it through the mask. I tried to speak, but it only fogged up the plastic cup over my mouth.

Jager frowned, and then he reached for the mask.

“Sir, you can’t do that. The doctor hasn’t given us permission to remove—“

Jager didn’t stop. He lifted the mask off my face and over my head. I inhaled deeply, relieved to have it away from me.

He watched as I gulped in breath after breath and when I smiled he closed his eyes briefly before dropping his head and pressing his lips to mine.

“You’re okay,” he whispered between kisses. “You’re okay.”

“I’m okay,” I croaked and smiled when he chuckled at my obviously ‘not okay’ voice. Placing both hands over my face, he stared at me, his eyes brimming with tears. He shook his head. “I don’t know what I would have done without you. I just couldn’t even imagine—“

“You don’t have to,” I whispered.

He sniffed and looked away for a second before shaking his head again. “You’ve got me so messed up, woman. I’ve never felt like this before, like my chest has been ripped open and somehow you still put a smile on my face. It’s torture that I would relive over and over again.”

“Jager,” My voice cracked. “I…” I closed my eyes when pain shot through my throat.

“Shhh, you don’t have to say anything. We have plenty of time for that. I just want you to get stronger and then I’m going to marry you.”