Page 28 of Tandem


Ummm. Yeah actually. I’m so tired from all the moving but it’s all done for now! Is Wednesday still two days away?


Mmmhmmm gotta be patient, you’ll see me soon enough. And if you’re good, I’ll send you home with some more reminders of our time together ;)

Okayyyy. Cue blushing and my entire body being turned on by that one. Then, I took a few deep breaths before replying.


I’ll be good. I didn't realize you left hickeys on me last time until my brother pointed one out. So embarrassing, but I love them still!


(smirk emoji) Maybe I’ll give you another then. Keep talking tonight and maybe I’ll come over and give you one right now.


Umm… okay! I’ll go to bed now before I can’t fall asleep thinking about that, ttyl… <3

And with that, I melted right into my bed, dreaming and thinking about all of the things AJ and I might do together on Wednesday after work.



I sat therein the dimly lit makeshift warm-up room that was designated for me tonight, my mind wandering as I waited for my matches to start when I set down my phone after texting her.Fuck, now I’m getting hard thinking about fucking Rosalie again on Wednesday.

Gotta channel that into energy for the fight. I did a few more upper body stretches and grabbed a bottle of water. Unscrewing the cap, I began downing it when I heard light footsteps clicking and felt some soft hands rub down my biceps on both arms and a sickly sweet "Ooooh" coming from behind me.

“Tracy, girl, what do you want?” I asked as the smokin’ hot girl with platinum blonde hair slid around my front and rubbed one of her hands up my chest while the other lowered over my hard dick.

“Mmmmm, I saw you getting hard and was wondering if I could help you get a little release before the fight, handsome. I didn’t like how we left things.” Her face pressed against the top of my shoulder, and I turned to glance at her. She pouted her lips before biting them. Then she sauntered from behind me to the front, reaching up and wrapping her fingers loosely around my neck. The movement shoved her fake tits together.

She just couldn’t get a hint. Thought the last time at my motel had made it clear that I wasn’t interested in screwing her anymore. “Nah, I’m good. You can head to the next person’s room. You aren’t needed here, already told you that.”

A frustrated "tsk" left her lips and she stared at me for a moment, waiting for me to change my mind. But when I didn’t, she flashed me a smirk and raised one of her thin eyebrows at me. “You sure, handsome? You normally love to take the edge off. Not even a blow, baby?” Tracy giggled, and her words dripped like honey, slow and sickly sweet, lingering in the room.

I grabbed her wrists and unlocked her fingers from behind my head. Tracy gave head better than pretty much any other girl I had on my dick, but I didn’t need that tonight. I had plans for after my fight with a certain brunette. “Not needed. Gotta stay focused tonight more than any, because these are some of the prelims that matter, you know that. Now… get lost, Tracy.”

I dropped her hands and walked past her, going to my weights to do a few reps to get the blood pumping before I wrapped my hands.

She slipped away from the room, her hips swaying in the miniskirt that barely covered the curves of her ass. Despite her best efforts to get me to cave, nothing was going to distract me tonight. Not her. Not any girl. This was the first fight that mattered in the series of fight nights in LA. This was where we narrowed it down to the championship match.

After a few more minutes of warming up, a knock on the door signaled I was up. I made my way out of the room, walking through the crowd that had started to chant my name as they parted. It was no secret I was the favorite tonight. After losing the final match last year, a redemption season was what these people craved. To see me push my way back to the top for a rematch for the title. And as I stepped out onto the brightly lit main fight area, the crowd roared to life and echoed around theold warehouse. With a few more steps, I walked onto the mats, the energy though the air making all of my nerves come alive with the anticipation of the fight ahead.

The announcer, known simply as T, strolled out to the middle of the mats with his mic. He was the man behind the LA fight nights, and now that the fights had progressed to the twelve best fighters, he was back in action as the ring ref. T was a lanky guy, mixed for sure, and always had that perfect tan skin the girls loved. Shit, most of the girls I'd been with around the circuit went to T next.

T's voice, full of swagger and attitude, boomed over the crowd, setting the tone for the fight about to happen. “All right, all right! We all know why we’re here tonight. To see someone get their ass kicked and lying in a pool of blood when the fight is over, am I right?!” The crowd cheered louder as he slinked over to me. “In this corner, we have the favorite of the night, the one and only, Aaaaaaaa-J!”

Now I was used to things getting thrown on stage when I was announced, but the panties always made me chuckle and flex my muscles, giving them a little bit of a show. He then bounded over to the other side, where another man stepped out, who I knew to be one of Jabari’s right-hand men. “And steppin’ up to face him tonight is none other than Marcus, the Steel Temple!!”

I locked eyes with him across the mat, smirking, and nodded at him. Sticking my hand out, I bent a couple fingers like I was calling him over. Marcus chose the name Steel Temple because he could take a heavy hit to the head and not drop. But he’d drop tonight. His scowl deepened as he ran a thumb over his throat, which made me smirk wider. I always enjoyed fighters who gave themselves a ring name, thinking they were on some professional MMA shit when, in reality, they would be lucky to get into the second round of the prelims in illegal street fighting. The rules here were different.

No weapons, though you could use your body however you wanted, along with your ring edge. “Ohhhh shit! It’s ’bout to go downnnn! Strap in, folks, because this fight is officially… STARTED!” T jumped out of the middle as I walked calmly a few steps forward, doing my finger gesture again. Marcus’s brow twitched as he jogged in place before diving straight in.

I always let them land the first hit, it was their only chance to take me down. I saw the look in his eyes when the punch connected with my side. Little prick thought that was all it took to throw me on the defense or drop me. Cute.