Page 69 of Tandem

He nodded at the other two bikers, and they left as he walked back over to me. “Think I’ll stay if that’s cool? Could use the break from riding a bit.” I walked over to my toolbox to get the tools needed to remove the body panels and tank.

“Yeah, that’s cool. If you want, there is a waiting area upstairs.” But instead of going up there, he pulled off his gloves, unzipped his jacket, grabbed a stool from the corner of the shop, and wheeled it over next to me.

“I’m more of a chat guy than sitting quietly in a corner. So, you got a name, little mama?” he asked as he sat down on the stool. Leaning forward on his knees, he stared at me with hisgreen eyes. His stare made me turn away and face the bike again. I could feel the blush creeping into my cheeks a bit. Why was it that when he saidlittle mama, it sounded so similar to something else?

“Y-yeah, my name is Rosalie. I run the paint side of the customs. My dad owns the place.” Why was I getting nervous? I took a deep breath.Calm down, Rosalie. It's not like you don’t talk to customers all the time. Just because this one looks super sexy and is staring at you like you’re something he’d like to eat doesn’t mean he actually wants to eat you.

He slowly turned back and forth in his chair as he watched me work. “Ahhh, nice. I’m Kordell.” I glanced over as I slowly removed panel after panel.

“Nice to meet ya. So, you ride bikes a lot?” I asked. It was kind of nice to get to chat with someone else, especially when I was working late in the customs when it was really quiet. He stopped twisting for a moment, tipping his head to the side in thought. Then, a smirk widened on his face.

“Yeah, I own nothing besides bikes. It's my lifestyle, not a hobby. Ever been on a bike before?” He raised his eyebrow and chuckled a bit.

I pulled the gas tank off, setting it on the cloth. “Yeah, I’ve ridden a few dirt bikes before,” I replied as I stood back up. He laughed, and I didn't mind the sound of it. I looked up, giving him a playful smile back. “What’s so funny?” I asked as I pulled off another panel. There were only three more to go.

“Dirt bikes don’t even compare to something like this…” he said as he ran his hand over the leather seat, his eyes warm and excited. "How about this? Just a couple more questions, and I’ll stop distracting you?" I giggled a bit and nodded. He continued. “Okay, so have you eaten yet?”

I shook my head. “No, I was about to close up and go get some dinner on the way home right before you pulled in.”

I pulled off the next panel and gently set it on the cart to take it to the paint lab. “Are you single?” This question caught me off guard, and I froze mid-ratchet. He tilted his head, waiting for my reply, which I gave slowly, just saying it made me sad.

“Yeah… I guess I am.” He seemed like he wanted to ask more but then changed his mind.

“Okay then, you’ll have to let me take you out for dinner when you’re done. We can go wherever you want. I’ll give you a ride on a real bike. Think of it as a bonus for getting me in tonight at the last minute.” I was about to decline but my dang stomach betrayed me and growled. I looked down and he laughed. "I’ll take that as a yes. So it’s settled, you do your thing and I’ll stay outta your hair." He got up and walked up the stairs, throwing himself on the couch, which I could barely see from down below.

As I got to work in the paint lab, I carefully removed the last panel, feeling the smooth metal beneath my fingertips. I was so excited to get this started.

Sanding the surfaces, I focused on each stroke, the sound of the sandpaper filling the air. Mixing the paint, I marveled at the pretty blue hue, envisioning it covering the bike’s panels. Spraying each panel, I savored the familiar scent of the paint, ensuring every coat was perfect.

With the panels primed, I prepared my pinstriping tools. Taking each panel, I began painting the delicate stripes, my hand steady as I brought each line to life. As I worked, I immersed myself in the rhythmic flow of the task, lost in the creative process.

Once the striping was complete, I carefully returned the panels to the drying room, the anticipation building as I awaited the final result. Cleaning my paint brushes with care, I practically bounced off the floor with excitement.

Just as I got the last piece back in place, Kordell walked down the stairs, pulling out his wallet from his inner jacket pocket. “How much do I owe you, girl?” I grabbed the tablet from the tool bench and pulled up the invoice system. I started adding up the total and then showed him, and he smiled and swiped his card. “All right, so ready to go? You got an extra helmet here?” He looked around, and I shook my head no.

“I don’t think we have any bike helmets here right now.” Kordell lifted his helmet and slowly placed it on my head. He gently tightened the straps. It was a little loose because it was for a guy, but it still felt secure enough.

He pushed his bike outside the shop as I closed up, turning off the main lights and making sure I had my phone, wallet, and keys in my jacket pocket, zipping it up so they wouldn't fall out. I turned to him as he got on the bike, and then he reached his hand out and helped me to climb on the back. I sat there not knowing what to really do with my hands and then Kordell pulled my arms around him and looked back at me. “Hold on tight, mama.”

I squeezed my arms tighter as he turned on the bike, and we took off slowly down the alley, going to the little taco shack right by the customs. But when we got there, it was closed. “It’s fine. I know a place just up the road. It’s a good place with good food.”

I nodded, wishing this place wasn’t closed. I could really use some steak tacos to make this night even more awesome. “Okay, but if you try to kill me, I have a gun.” I didn’t have my gun on me, but he didn't need to know that.

He laughed as we pulled away. We pulled into a parking lot next to a little diner a few streets over. Bikes were everywhere, and when we slid off the seat, he helped me out of the helmet before grabbing my waist and pulling me closer. “Stick with me, little mama, and no one will give you any trouble.” I stayed nextto him. We walked into the bar and sat at a table. Then we spent a couple of hours just talking and laughing.

But, as we started to head toward the door, Kordell abruptly pulled me into the bathroom and locked the door. I stood there, quickly breathing. Then we were on each other, the tension from the night, playfully flirting with each other, finally pushing us over the edge. He lifted me onto the sink edge as we had one hot and sexy make-out session in that little bathroom, only stopping when someone started pounding on the door, and we broke away and laughed to ourselves.

He drove me back to my car and kissed me, then after asking me for my number, he drove away as I sat in my car, feeling happy and a little confused. But one thing was for sure. Tonight was the first time I actually had fun away from work since AJ left, and it was a feeling I missed so much.




Today wasthe perfect day for a cruise to clear my head. Seeing his mask in my drawer really threw me for a loop. I’d forgotten I had put it in my old room. Bringing it to my face and breathing in the smell of his cologne took me right back as if he were still here. Except he wasn’t. He was long gone, away from me. I walked out of the house, locked my door, and opened the garage door, sliding into my Skyline GT-R. I rolled the windows down, tucking my hair behind my ears under my ball cap. Then I pulled out, turning on the radio and keeping the volume at a good level as I started to drive down the road. The evening was approaching, and the sun was beginning to dip lower and lower.

“I think I’ll go up to Malibu… get some fresh air and watch the sun set.” I drove through the streets until I got on the main road to Malibu. Thankfully, traffic was moving along at a nice pace. Not having to stop in place helped my head so much more than sitting still in traffic. The song changed and my entire body tensed as a familiar note came on. “Take Me Where Your Heart Is” by Q started playing.