Page 48 of Tandem

I gritted my teeth. I knew I shouldn’t let them, but his words ate at me. Piece of shit, threatening my girl? Wrong move. I focused on my strategy, waiting for the right moment to strike. I could feel the eyes of the crowd on us, their energy fueling my determination.

We circled each other like two caged animals, but one was a true predator, the other was a sheep in wolf’s clothing. We came together again, our exchanges getting more intense. Jabari,getting a lucky break, landed a solid jab on my jaw, snapping my head back. My vision blurred as I staggered back.

In that moment, I saw a glimpse of Rosalie, her face full of excitement and worry. I stilled for a moment and smirked, sending her a wink, which made her gasp and smile. With that smile, everything blurry became clear. She believed in me. Her smile spoke a thousand words. She knew I wasn’t in trouble, even if I thought I might be. I couldn’t let her down now, could I?

“You can do it, AJ!” Rosalie's light voice echoed through the crowd’s roar, a mix of urgency and encouragement in her tone. Her hands gripped the edge of the ring, she leaned forward, and her eyes locked with mine.

I regained my stance, then pushed forward. I retaliated with a quick combination of punches, targeting his midsection. He blocked most of them. Then I saw it, a perfect opening, too late to protect your head when both of your hands were defending your stomach. I slammed a left hook forward, connecting with his cheek.Hard. The crowd gasped as everyone saw blood trickling down Jabari’s lip. Damn, made the bastard bite his cheek with that one. Man, how the mighty had fallen.

He charged at me and we locked in a clinch, both of us jockeyed for position. I could feel the heat of his breath on my neck as his voice rang out. “You think you’re walking out of here tonight?! I’m gonna kill you, bitch! And you know what, AJ? After I’m done with you, your little slut over there? I think I’ll keep her. Make her my side bitch.” I headbutted him, and he stumbled back, then T jumped in to break us up.

We separated to the opposite sides of the ring as T went from one side to the other. I grabbed his shirt, full of rage, and I yelled in his face. “Don’t let one of his fucking people touch her!” I growled at him.

T looked over at Rosalie and nodded. “I got you, man, but you need to win this fight. I got money on yo’ ass tonight. Don’tget distracted over some fine pussy, keep yo’ head in the fight, man!” He straightened my hoodie, but I pushed off his hands and I ripped it over my head, tossing it to him and staring down Jabari. I’d address that comment about my girl another day with T.

We walked back to the center. T was about to start the next round, and I could see the frustration in Jabari’s eyes. He wasn’t used to facing someone who could hold their ground against him, especially since last year when he pulled a stunt that didn’t have me at my best when we fought. I smirked back at him, knowing the fight was far from over.

The second round began, and this time, I took the offensive. I unleashed a surge of punches, driving Jabari back toward the cars. He was forced to go on the defensive as I landed a kick that slammed him into an SUV’s door, his cocky demeanor replaced by a look of determination as he tried to recover from the wind getting knocked from him.

T’s voice echoed in the background, his trash talk adding to the intensity of the match. “AJ is coming back strong in the second round! Jabari better watch out, or his ass is gonna be on the ground!”

Jabari struck, launching a lightning-quick jab toward my head. I barely managed to parry it away with my hand. The impact resonated through my arm, a reminder of the force behind his punches. I countered with a jab of my own, aiming for his midsection, and this time, it found its mark. A satisfying thud sounded as my fist connected with his torso. I feinted a right hook, and Jabari took the bait, attempting to counter. I anticipated his move and pivoted away, but he countered as I moved, his punch connecting with my ribs. I grunted and backed up a few steps. Our close proximity added to the tension, each punch and block executed with precision.

The crowd was on the edge of their seats, roaring with excitement as we exchanged blows. Jabari’s trash talk continued, taunting me with every swing. “You’re not as good as you think, AJ! And when I win, you know what? I’m gonna take her, fuck her, and then let everyone in my gang take a turn on her. Fuck, run a train on your bitch, make her drip from every fucking hole!”

I gritted my teeth. I knew I had to make a move soon before I went black. I was already near the edge with his shit talk about Rosalie. Talking some trash about me was one thing, but I’d show this entire building what happened when you dragged my girl into the mix. Jabari unleashed a powerful right hook aimed at my head as we continued to exchange blows. I ultimately managed to block it from connecting, but the force of the punch hitting my block sent me staggering backward.

I stumbled but quickly regained my balance, determined not to give him an inch. Our back-and-forth continued, the crowd’s cheers growing louder with each exchange. I could see the frustration in Jabari’s eyes, the realization that he might not be able to hold on to his title as he grew increasingly tired from each exchange.

And then, I saw my opportunity to finish this. Jabari left an opening, his guard momentarily lowered. With a lightning-quick jab followed by a powerful cross, I landed a combination that sent him reeling backward. Jabari stumbled, his balance lost, and he crashed against the hood of one of the parked cars. The crowd gasped as he struggled to stay on his feet, but it was no use.

T's voice cut through the noise. “AJ with a devastatin’ blow! Could this be it?!”

I hit him with a jab that threw my entire body into it, sending him flying over the hood and into a pile on the other side. T’s count began, and the crowd held their breath. Jabari struggledto get up, his pride refusing to let him stay down. But then I saw his boys run over and start to help him up. But I was confident that I hit him hard enough, and he wasn’t going to be able to, even with their help.

T stepped in, counting Jabari out. “One! Two! Three!”

They managed to get Jabari to his feet, pushing him toward the car, but he was wobbly, his eyes glassy, and he leaned heavily against the hood. I could see the realization dawning on him that he might lose his title and reputation.

“Four! Five!”

I jumped back and forth on my feet softly, my adrenaline pumping. This was it. The moment I had been waiting for—the moment to reclaim my honor.

“Six! Seven!”

Jabari staggered, his movements sluggish. He was on the brink of defeat, and he knew it. But he tried to pull himself on top of the hood.

“Eight! Nine!”

The referee looked at him, then back at me. Jabari’s and my eyes connected, and I knew I had just taken back what was rightfully mine, and he was pissed.

T waved his arms, signaling the end of the fight. “We’ve got ourselves a new champion! A-Jaaaay!” he yelled into the mic.

The crowd erupted into cheers, and I raised my fists in victory. I had done it. I had beaten Jabari and reclaimed my title. I was back, and stronger than ever, and no one could ever deny that.

I turned away from him and walked over to the car Rosalie was standing behind. She started to slide over the hood as I bent my fingers at her, and as I made my way across the concrete ring. I grabbed her as she reached my side of the hood and picked her up. She leaned down and kissed me over my mask. Good girl for understanding here that this was who I was.

But before we could leave the ring together, Jabari’s voice echoed behind us, and the crowd fell silent. “AJ!”