As he spoke harshly, tears came out of my eyes, and he tucked his hands in his hoodie pocket, standing up abruptly and looking down at me as he continued. “I’m here because I actually like you, Rosalie, fuck. Before you, I could have had a different girl in my bed EVERY FUCKING NIGHT. You know that? I haven’t screwed anyone else since I met you.”
Wait, wait, wait, was he getting ANNOYED at me? Like, excuse me?! I just found out my boyfriend was the guy who assaulted me almost a year ago, causing me to look over my shoulder on and off since then, and because he didn’t like my questions, he was getting upset at me?! And now he was throwing in my face that he used to sleep around, and now he doesn't? Oh, heck no.
I stood up, tears still pricking the corners of my eyes, and shoved him hard. “Get out of here, AJ,” I told him. He stood there just staring. “I’m not going to scream. Just get out.” AJ leaned back on his heels a bit. I pushed him again, more forcefully. “You need to leave. NOW,” I demanded, and he folded his arms outside of his hoodie.
“No, we’re talking,” he replied. I groaned in exasperation, throwing my hands up and walking over to the edge of the railing of the loft.
“AJ, you need to leave, NOW! Because I don’t know if I want to scream at you, or throw something at your head, or call Dad or the cops. You just told me you are the guy who assaulted me when you stole my dad’s car. I don’t know how to feel about it, and I don’t even want to LOOK at you right now. Please… just fucking go!” I gripped the railing and raised my voice at the last part.
Finally, he yanked on his half-skull mask and threw his hood over his hat.
“Fuck it, you wanna be done? Then whatever, we’re done then. I’m out of here.”
He walked down the stairs and out the shop door without a second glance back. When he disappeared around the corner, I realized just how badly my knees were shaking, and I only had a moment to grab the railing before they gave out, and I fell to the floor by the steps. I began to hyperventilate, then I just started sobbing. So many emotions came rushing in, but the biggest one?
He was the first guy I’d ever loved, like really loved. And to find out he was the one who scared me and stole from my dad…
Even though devastating is a strong word, I was on the brink of feeling that right now. My heart felt like it was breaking in two. I wanted to never see him again, and then, on the same foot, I was having a panic attack, thinking I wouldn't ever see him again. I just sat there crying and crying for a long time. Eventually, my tears stopped, and my face felt puffy and sore. I finally got up and walked around the customs, finishing locking it up.
I headed across the street to the warehouse the Viper was in. I slid into the car, turned the key, praying it would start because, after this really stupid evening, this starting up would be the best ending I could hope for.
It turned over, and for a brief second, I thought it was going to fail, then the Viper roared to life. And in that second, I forgot all about AJ and everything he said while my heart leaped at the fact that tomorrow, I would surprise Dad with his car back.
“YES!” I yelled as I revved the engine a bit. I let it idle for a few minutes to really let the fuel go through the system, and thenI turned it off and locked up the warehouse. Sliding into my own car, I drove home.
I put the car in park and looked over at Jayden’s driveway. There were no bikes or cars, so he wasn’t home. Dang. I was kinda hoping I could maybe swing by and watch a movie or something with him like I used to do in school when I was upset over a test. He would let me crash in his room and just watch some totally stupid car show that he had zero interest in just because he knew it made me feel better.
Instead, I walked into my dark, silent house and locked the door behind me. I leaned against it. “This sucks… I don’t know what to do.” I tossed my keys and wallet on the little table by the door and kicked off my shoes. Walking to the closet, I hung up my jacket and walked through the house to my bedroom.
Going into the bathroom, I turned the shower on. One thing for sure, I looked HORRIBLE. I didn’t even realize the mascara had left little trails down my cheeks, and it was all blotchy now. So I hopped into the warm shower and just stood in the water, letting the feeling surround me and sighed with the relief it provided. Getting out and dressed in my silky pj’s, I made a bag of popcorn, climbed into my bed, and turned on the TV, letting whatever play as I ate a few handfuls. But my appetite wasn’t there, and then my feelings started to come back.
Anxious, I started playing with the edge of the blanket that was tossed on the top covers.
“Why did it have to be you?” I whispered.
Why did it have to be AJ? I couldn’t wrap my head fully around the man who had been making love to me so many times these past few weeks, and who had made me smile so much, and honestly, who I was falling in love with, was the same guy almost a year ago who scared me and had zero remorse at the time for doing it.
Just whowasAJ?
I didn’t even know him, did I? He hadn’t really talked much about anything to do with his past or what he did for work now.
As a matter of fact, he always pushed those conversations away with his epic make-out sessions when I tried to bring them up.
As I fell asleep, I was no closer to figuring out what I wanted to do or what I was going to say to him. All I knew was, this was the first night I hadn’t texted him before I fell asleep since we started dating, and that made me feel like the loneliest person I’d ever been.
I walkeddown the alleyway from the customs. I was fucking pissed.
Fuck. I always thought Rosalie reminded me of someone, it just didn’t fully click. She was the girl I stole the lowrider from a while back. Well, if she didn't want to believe me, then fuck her.
People wanted to keep judging me for my past, then let them. I didn’t need anyone who wouldn’t take my word for it. While yes, a year ago I was much more reckless and didn't give a fuck, I had different priorities now than I did back then. I rounded the corner out of the alleyway and walked down the sidewalk. The streetlights were already on, so it was later than I thought. I kept walking, but instead of heading toward home, I made my way to the free gym on the edge of the beach.
“Guess that’s that. Never thought I’d fuck this over with that steal. How the fuck did I not notice she was the same girl?”