I stopped making out with my girl. Who the fuck was trying to stop me from enjoying my girl in her home?
I turned my head as she quickly fixed her top, her voice full of embarrassment and nerves. “J-Jayden!? What are you doing here?!”
The man who interrupted our first meeting at the car meet stood behind me. This time, he wasn’t wearing designer clothing. He was wearing a motorcycle cut with the Cavaliers MC Vice President patch, and he didn’t seem too happy that I had his sister pressed up against the wall.
She tried to wiggle herself down, but I moved my hands to her ass, keeping her firmly around me as I pressed my dick more against her center, producing a little moan that she attempted to stifle, and I smirked at him.
“Ah, the brother,” I said as I gazed at her face with a grin. “Bit busy, man. You’ll have to talk to your sister later.” I started kissing her neck again as my left hand moved slowly from her ass to her tit under her shirt, and I groped it firmly, making her moan again as I rolled her nipple with my fingers.
“Nah, I’m going to talk to her now. You can bounce.” I sighed, annoyed now. I lowered Rosalie to the floor and kissed her hard for another minute before smacking her ass hard and turning to face her brother.
“I said we’re busy, you’re not going to fucking interrupt me and her, got it? Would hate to break that pretty million-dollar smile you got, rich boy.” I flexed my fists as he stood straighter.
“Like to see you try, you’re just a lowlife fucking piece of…” He got cut off by the woman I saw earlier, wrapping her armsaround his shoulders and draping them around the front with a sexy smirk on her face.
“VP, we gotta go soon. Let's wrap this up, hmmmm?” She kissed his ear, and Jayden glanced at her and then back at me, her face giving me a seductive but yet dangerous smile.
“My point stands. I need you to leave so I can talk to my sis. So fuck off, AJ.” I pulled myself back from the edge of punching him right in the fucking face, not worth the effort tonight.
I turned and grabbed Rosalie’s hips and pulled her into me. “I’ll be in the bedroom. Hurry up with him, baby girl.” I kissed her long and hard, all but tongue fucking her mouth for a moment before pulling away. Leaving her standing there panting slightly as I walked away from the door and into her home. Kicking my shoes off when I get to the bedroom, I took a hot shower. I wasn’t sure how long she was going to be, but I wanted to get this grime off before I took her sweet pussy.
I shut off the shower and opened the glass to see her sitting on the bed, her fingers playing with the edge of a blanket as she gnawed at her lower lip slightly. “What’s got my baby girl so worried, hmm?” I asked as I walked over and laid on the bed, pulling her down with me.
She giggled softly against my chest and then looked up at me. “Well… Jayden isn’t your biggest fan. He doesn't really think we’re a good fit. But I told him it’s none of his business and to stop being a jerk.” I pulled her more up onto the side of my body, making her even with my face, running my fingers through the back of her short dark hair.
“Mmmm, bet he wasn’t too happy about that.” I laughed just thinking about my girl standing up to her brother and telling him to fuck off. But in her polite way, because even when she was frustrated or mad, I didn’t think she would ever want to hurt anyone. I kissed her and hauled her on top of me, my hard dick rubbing against her pj’s. “Why don’t you take your clothes off,baby girl, and we can enjoy the rest of our night together?” I said as I slid my hands down her waist and thighs.
She giggled some more and climbed off, but not before I smacked her ass. Watching her strip, she didn’t try to be sexy, but the way she still shyly went about it made my dick twitch.
For the rest of the night, I got lost in fucking my girl over and over and over, bringing her to her climax more than my own, and by the end of it, we lay next to each other. Out of breath, I kissed her one last time before sleep finally took me.
I checkedthe clock as the last customer left the shop for the day. It was pretty much closing time on this Wednesday afternoon, which meant it was another date night. Wednesdays had quickly become our regular weeknight day, so I pulled out my phone and shot a quick text to him.
Hey! I’m about ready to clock out, where do you want to meet?
It normally took him a bit to reply, so I closed my phone and started to tuck it into my back pocket when it suddenly buzzed.
I’ll pick you up at work, baby girl.
Just melt me already, all right? I didn’t know what it was when he called mebaby girl, but my insides were getting all jiggly and I just wanted to melt onto the floor like an oil spill needing to be cleaned up. It had only been a few weeks since we started dating, and it was filled with day after day make-out sessions after work. He even got me off on his fingers once on my lunch break.
Each time I didn’t think it could be hotter than the last, I was proven wrong. I also found it sexy that he wanted to pick me up all the time, like he wanted to chill with me as much as possible. My driving to meet him somewhere took away from that time. “Okay, Rosalie, you might be just a little bit obsessed over him,” I muttered to myself as I finished cleaning and putting my paint supplies away, turning off the air compressors and closing the paint shop door.
But I still couldn’t quiet my heart as I went upstairs to clock out, grabbing my bomber jacket and tugging it on, making sure I had my phone, wallet, and keys inside it. I began to turn off some of the shop lights and walk outside, pushing the garage door button and watching it slowly close. Then I leaned down, snapping the big padlock in place and locking it up with a distinct littleclicksound.
“Damn, baby girl, who said you could bend over in public with an ass that sexy?” AJ’s voice called out.
I closed my eyes and slowly stood up, letting the deep notes of his voice pour around me, soaking up every bit of it. His voice was so low and smooth, with a bit of a slang accent. It was like sinking into a hot tub in the middle of a thunderstorm, comforting and dangerous all at once. I didn’t think I’d ever get over how much he turned me on. He could probably read the back of a cereal box, and I would come undone just from listening.
I turned around in a half circle and looked around the parking lot with a big smile on my face. AJ was leaning against the hood of an orange, beautifully detailed painted topless 1972 Monte Carlo. Gosh, there was no way Dad wasn’t the one who painted it. The details on the pinstriping were immaculate and something I hoped to achieve one day with my own painting.