Page 19 of By the Blood Moon

Jaime keened.So close. So close, I just need a little more…

He tried to rut up against Finn, needing to change the anglejust soand he’d be soaring, but Finn snarled when he tried to move, hunching over to wrap his teeth around Jaime’s neck. Not biting, but holding—forcing him down, keeping him still while he fucked into him like a toy, only there for Finn’s use.

Jaime was completely immobile beneath Finn’s weight, and all he could do was hold on and give himself over to the brutal pounding. His orgasm was rushing toward him, ripping its way up his spine in frightening intensity. “Oh, oh, oh, it’s, I’m—coming. I can’t—can’t stop—Finnngh!”

Finn howled, releasing his hold on Jaime’s neck when his knot blew wide and locked in, swallowed deep inside. “Oh,fuck!” he cried, gnashing his teeth. “Come. Come, mate!”

Jaime shattered. Shivering as he spilled all over them both, he came so hard he may have blacked out. Someone was yelling, and Jaime’s insides warmed from Finn’s hot release filling him.

Jaime’s ears were ringing, and he didn’t know what day it was, or where they were, or even his own name. He knew his mate’s name, though, because when his hearingwhooshedback he realized he was the one shouting “Finn!” over and over.

Coming back into his own body, Jaime felt them both shaking from the intensity of their shared orgasm, arms wrapped tightly around each other and breaths puffing out in steamy white clouds.

Securing Jaime in his tight hold, Finn rolled so that he was laying on his back with Jaime tucked on top, his cock still lodged deep inside. They were both smeared in dirt and bodily fluids, but Finn didn’t seem to care. He palmed Jaime’s nape and rubbed soothing circles across his back, cradling him through the aftershocks and overstimulation when his body continued to contract and jerk around Finn’s knot.

“Shh, shh, I’ve got you. Hold still, baby. I’ve got you.”

Jaime finally calmed, and he stopped squirming when the squeeze of his insides settled into a low pulse he felt in his groin every now and then. The warmth of Finn wrapped around him and the rumbling purr coming from his chest eased Jaime’s frayed nerves.

Scooting so his back was propped up against a tree, Finn sat up and held him close, legs and arms tangled as Finn tried to block him from the wind as much as possible. It was much colder now than when they’d started, and Jaime distantly wondered if the snow would start to fall on them.

They laid there for a long while, breathing each other in and keeping warm with their shared body heat. But when Finn’s knot finally softened and he made to pull out, a rush of panic struckJaime, and blindsided by the sudden emotion, he clung on, burying his face in Finn’s neck.

“Wait! Don’t leave yet. Just—can you just stay inside me? For a little while longer? Please?” Jaime’s voice was small, and he was shocked to find tears forming in his eyes. He quickly swiped at them, not wanting Finn to see.

“I’m sorry,” Jaime said, suddenly anxious that Finn would think he’d done something wrong when everything had been so, soright. “I don’t know what’s happening. I’m fine. More than fine. That was amazing,youwere amazing. I feel so good, Finn. It was everything I wanted. I just feel so much right now.”

Finn continued to press soothing sweeps of his hand up and down Jaime’s back, and squeezed him tight so that his cock stayed inside, even soft. “Shh, It’s ok. What you’re feeling is totally normal. I read that it can still be a lot, even after it’s over. It’ll pass. Just let yourself feel things, baby. I’ll be here, I’ll take care of you. We’ll stay just like this for as long as you need, and then we’ll go get clean and warmed up. How does that sound?”

Jaime sniffed, and nodded. “Ok. Finn?”

“Yeah, baby?”

“That was perfect. You were perfect.”

Finn’s chest rumbled. “I’m glad it was everything you wanted. And we can do this again, if you want. But let’s just think about getting you warm for now, yeah?”

Jaime nestled further into Finn’s embrace. “Ok. Thank you.”

A few minutes later, Jaime gave him the go-ahead to pull out, and Finn scooped him into his arms and carried him back to their house.

“Our clothes?” Jaime asked, dazed and leaning against Finn’s shoulder.

“I left mine back at the house before we started, and I’ll come find what’s left of yours tomorrow, if they’re not covered in snowby then. I think I got a little carried away, though, so they may not be salvageable.”

The pink blush sitting high on Finn’s cheeks brought Jaime back to himself a little more, and he kissed it away. “Being ripped off in a sex-frenzy is a worthy way to go.”

Finn chuckled, and nuzzled into Jaime’s hair. “I will miss the pants, though.”

Back inside their home, Finn snagged their water bottles from the kitchen counter and carried Jaime upstairs. He drew them a bath, and Jaime couldn’t hide his flinch when Finn lowered him in, hissing when the scratches and bite marks all over him stung in the hot water.

Finn whined, and bade Jaime to slowly sip some water while he gently soaped him down, taking his time to be extra careful when he washed away the cum coating Jaime’s thighs and belly, mindful of the sensitive bite marks he’d left behind.

One by one, Finn removed all of the bits of twig and leaf out of Jaime’s hair. Pouring a dollop of shampoo into his hand, he had Jaime practically purring as he massaged slow circles into his scalp, careful that his nails didn’t scratch too much. Finn let the conditioner sit in Jaime’s hair while he used a cloth and their facial cleanser to wash the dirt and bodily fluids from his face.

Jaime wasn’t unfamiliar with Finn taking his time to soap down every nook and cranny of his body, but this was different. Finn communicated how much he loved Jaime with every tender touch, and it was one of the most intimate experiences of his life.

He marveled that somehow, Finn had found a way to make him feel even more cherished.