“What on earth are you doing here, Percy?”

He offers me a lopsided grin, an unnatural quirk that he worked to perfect because he thinks it gives himboyish charm.

“Hello to you, too, beautiful.”

I fight the urge to roll my eyes. “No, seriously. Why are you here?”

Percy shrugs. “I took the jet. I wanted to see you.”

“You chartered your family’s private jet from Los Angeles to Cape Cod because youwanted to see me? Did the fact that I’ve been ignoring your messages completely escape your frame of logic, Percy?”

The smile fades from his face. The problem with him is that he is, admittedly, extremely handsome. However, that handsomeness masks a terrible personality and a host of infuriating habits that make him completely unbearable.

Habits such as his penchant for ignoring my boundaries and flying across the country to force his presence upon me because it’s whathewants.

“Listen, Poppy… can I come in?”

I brace my hand against the doorframe and subtly position myself in the doorway, as if that will actually stop him from forcing his way inside if that’s what he really wants.

“No, you can’t,” I tell him. “This place is an active construction zone. It’s not safe.”

Percy frowns. “Then why areyouinside right now? Why would you put yourself in danger like that, Poppy? See, this is exactly why I knew I needed to come out here as soon as possible. You need me.”

I’m gripping the doorknob so tightly that I’m pretty sure I’m either about to break it or my hand. I clench my jaw, take a deep breath, and remind myself that—legally speaking—I’m totally within my rights to have Percy tossed off this property by the police if he causes trouble.

For now, though, maybe letting him spew his nonsense for a few minutes will give me an opportunity to convince him to go back to California.

So, instead of bothering to respond to theyou need mecomment, I take a step back and open the door a little wider.

“Fine,” I snap. “Come in.”

Percy’s expression relaxes into a self-satisfied smirk that makes me want to slap him. He’s the only person who manages to bring out my violent side.

He moves past me, stepping into the foyer and gazing around at the empty, partially-demolished cottage. The noise continues upstairs, probably too loud for any of the guys to overhear what’s going on down here.

That might be for the best.

“Poppy, just hear me out,” Percy begins, rounding on me. He steps closer, reaching for me, but I carefully maneuver out of his reach. It makes him pout in disappointment, and his eyes flash with an annoyance that can quickly trip into a temper tantrum, but he manages to keep his cool for now.

“Percy, you’ve been trying to get me tohear you outfor months now,” I interject. “When are you going to understand that I’m not interested in what you have to say?”

But he’s already shaking his head before I’m even done talking.

“You don’t get it,” he insists. “We broke things off because you felt like we weren’t compatible and that we wanted different things, but what I’ve been trying to explain to you this whole time is that you clearly don’t even know what you want. I mean, look at you, Poppy! You’re living in a hovel in a random, crappy town. And what are youwearing? Did you just finish a workout or is that, like, your outfit for the day?”

My hands clench into fists. Would I damage my rings if I punched him in the jaw?

“First of all,” I say through gritted teeth. “Wedidn’t break things off.Idumpedyou.”

“Oh, please, you know as well as I do that—”

“I’m not done talking.” My voice comes out like a snarl. Percy raises his eyebrows at me, pressing his lips together in disapproval. “Second of all, you don’t get to decide how I feel. Idoknow what I want, Percy. Did you really think I sold my Malibu house, packed up my things, and moved all the way to the opposite coast because I’m a naive fool? I definitely know what I want. You’re just upset because it isn’tyou.”

Percy scoffs. “Do you even hear yourself, babe? If anything, this big move of yours is a cry for help! That’s why I came here! I know I’m right for you, Poppy. I know we’re meant to be. You just have to get over this weird phase you’re going through and come home with me, okay? We can pick up right where we left off.”

“We’ve been broken up for a year now.”

“And I won’t hold it against you,” he replies, smiling as if he’s offering me the world’s greatest treasure and I’d be a fool not to accept it. “Baby, you know I’m right.”