Katia waves her uninjured hand dismissively. “I’m fine. I just had to come and tell you myself—I have news.”

I glance at Isabelle. Friendly, docile Isabelle who came into this company as a soloist and has only ever dreamed of going that far. That’s why Katia deems her safe to overhear whatever she’s about to say next. Isabelle isn’t a threat.

My stomach flips.

“What kind of news?”

Katia grins and leans in closer. “I’m retiring.”

Both Isabelle and I gasp loudly in unison. Katia hushes us, once again glancing over her shoulder at the stragglers taking their time leaving the studio.

Katia is only thirty-two. She has at least another five years before her body will start demanding for her to call it quits.

“Why?” I whisper.

Her eyes are twinkling with unbridled joy. “I’m pregnant.”

Again, Isabelle and I gasp. Then, in unison, we throw ourselves at the principal and engulf her in a hug.

“Congratulations,” I breathe. “Oh I’m so happy for you!. Wow… that’s crazy!”

I knew Katia was married, but I had no idea they were trying to have a baby. Pregnancy isn’t necessarily career-ending, but it definitely keeps you off the stage for a long time. Years, sometimes.

But clearly, this is exactly what Katia wants. There is so much joy in her radiant expression that my throat tightens with inexplicable emotions.

Eva, married. Katia, pregnant.

Then there’s me… well, I guess I’m still waiting for something big to happen.

Katia leans in again, smiling at me and Isabelle. “Anyway, the news is probably going to get out tomorrow or the day after. And I wanted to let you know that I’ve already recommended you as my replacement for principal, Ruby.”

Isabelle squeals with delight. I gape at Katia.


“They’ll want to do the formal audition process and all that, of course, but everybody knows that you were due to be promoted within the next year or so anyway.”

“Not everybody knows that,” I protest.

Isabelle snorts. “Yes, they do.”

“Ididn’t know that,” I reply.

Both girls smirk at me.

Katia lowers her voice even more and whispers, “Oh, and I also heard someveryjuicy gossip while I was up there dealing with the suits on the admin floor.”

“What kind of gossip?” Isabelle asks, gripping her leg warmers close to her chest with rapt attention.

“You know that really gorgeous young guy that just joined the board? That rich kid?”

An inhale stutters on its way to my lungs, causing me to make a sound like a wheeze. Luckily, neither one of them seems to notice as Isabelle leans in and breathes, “Henry Hawthorne?”

“No, no. That’s the older brother. One of them, at least.”

“Ben,” I supply automatically. “Ben Hawthorne.”

“Right!” Katia says, nodding emphatically. “Well, I heard he left the board! That old fart Gerald was muttering about it. Apparently, he sent out a formal resignation and hasn’t been heard from since! He was here for, like, not even six months! I wonder what happened. Maybe some kind of scandal?”