“There’s no need – unless you don’t like it. Ford loved it. I bet the others will, too. But coming back to the part that might be a bit much for you.” He took a big swig of his drink before he continued. “I asked him about it. To tell you the truth, I was a little bit jealous that Ford gets to be Uncle while I’m just Tanner. And …” He ran his hand through his hair. “Well, don’t be mad at me?”

She made a face. “I will if you don’t tell me soon! You’ve got me worried here.”

“Okay, so. He said that Ford would be his uncle for real if …”

Everly just stared at him.

Tanner gave her a half smile. “You’re not going to help me out here, are you? Okay, I’ll just go ahead and say it. If I were his dad, then Ford would be his uncle.”

All her breath caught in her chest and she stared at him, not knowing what to say as her mind raced. She didn’t want Tanner to feel like he was under pressure. Hated that Ashton was so desperately wishing for a family to belong to that he’d decided that Ford – who no matter how kind he’d been, was still a total stranger – should be his uncle. And did her son want a dad so desperately that …?”

“Breathe, darlin’.”

Tanner’s words cut through the thoughts swirling around in her head. She did as he said and took a couple deep breaths.

His smile made her relax a little – until he spoke again. “I didn’t know if I should tell you yet, but he says he wants me to be his dad.”

“Shit! I’m sorry. I …”

“I’m not. I might have kept it a secret between him and me, but I think it’s only fair that I should tell you – that’s what I want, too.”

“You …?”

He nodded happily. “I thought I’d take the weekend to convince you that it’s a good move. That even though this might seem crazy because we haven’t known each other for long, we’re right for each other. You and me? We’re right. Ashton and me? We’re right, too. And maybe the easiest part for you to accept is that my family’s right for him, too.”

All she could do was stare at him. “Are you serious?”

“I am. You can take all the time you need to get used to it, but however long it takes, you’ll see that I’m right eventually.”

She let out a short laugh. “And pretty sure of yourself, too.”

“I am. I know that I want the two of you in my life –to bemy life. I know that we’re right for each other. I also get that you might need time to see it, and more than that to trust it so …” He smiled as he shrugged.

He picked up both their glasses and handed hers to her. He downed the last of his bourbon and said, “So, take all the time you need. In the meantime, drink up so I can get you naked and work on convincing you that you want to keep me around.”

Everly had to laugh. He was right, she was going to need some time to process what he’d told her. She knocked back her drink and as soon as she set the glass down, his arms curled around her waist, and he rolled them onto the bed.

With his green eyes smiling down into hers, she had a feeling that she wasn’t going to need much convincing.

Chapter Twenty-One

Tanner couldn’t help feeling a little guilty when he awoke on Saturday morning. The sun was already shining through the windows. He was shocked to see that the clock on the nightstand said it was ten after eight already. He curled his arm around Everly’s waist and drew her closer.

“Mm?” She blinked her eyes open and gave him a sleepy smile. “Morning. Oh!” She sat up in a hurry. “It’s light already! What time is it?”

“Ten past eight. Should I go and check on Ashton?”

“It’s okay. I’ll go. He’ll be awake by now.” She was already out of bed and pulling on her jeans. Tanner hurried to do the same.


“It’s hardly your fault that I slept in, is it?”

He smirked. “I kind of like to think that it is. Are you telling me that I didn’t wear you out?”

She laughed and pushed at his arm. “Okay, you may be right. But I didn’t exactly tell you no, did I?”

He chuckled as he fastened his shirt. “No. In fact, I seem to remember, sometime around two-thirty this morning, you were most emphatic with youryeses.”