A smile spread across her face as she nodded. “Are you sure you want to do this? Because once we tell him, there’ll be no turning back.”
His eyes seemed to twinkle as he nodded. “I’ve never been more sure of anything, darlin’. Do you want to tell him?”
“No.” His smile vanished, and she reached out to touch his arm. “I meant that I think you should tell him.”
He grinned. “Hey, Ashton?”
Everly’s heart was full of hope as she watched her son come hurrying back over to join them.
“You know how I’m supposed to come and stay with you guys this weekend?”
Ashton reacted in much the same way that Tanner had a few moments ago – his eager smile vanished.
A rush of warmth filled Everly’s chest when Tanner rested his hand on her son’s shoulder. “Don’t look so worried, bud. If I don’t come to stay with you, it’ll be because we do something else. I plan to hang out with you guys for the weekend one way or another. I just have a different suggestion.”
“What kind of suggestion?”
Tanner grinned. “Instead of me coming to stay with you, how about you guys come to stay with me?”
Ashton didn’t react for a moment or two. Then, he yelled so loudly that Everly covered her ears.
“Yes!” He punched the air and ran around in little circles.
Tanner grinned at her as they watched. “I take it that’s a yes?” he asked when Ashton finally seemed a little calmer.
“Yes!” He looked up at the plane. “Are we going right now? Do I need to get your bag back out of the car?”
“We need to run home and pack ourselves a bag before we can go,” said Everly. She expected some resistance to that, but Ashton nodded eagerly. “Let’s go, then.” He looked up at Tanner. “I want to show you my cowboy books. We won’t get to read them now, but…”
Everly wanted to pinch herself. This couldn’t be real. Tanner was smiling at her son and saying, “We can still read them. We can take them with us.”
Tanner smiled over his shoulder at her when Ashton took hold of his sleeve and started tugging him toward the car.
~ ~ ~
“Whoa! Look at the mountains, Mom! Look at the snow! Will it be dark by the time we get there? I hope it’s not.”
“I think it will be,” said Everly.
Tanner grinned at her. “It will, but don’t worry, you’ll be able to see the mountains when you wake up in the morning.”
Ashton finally dragged his gaze away from the mountains. He’d spent most of the flight with his nose up against the window. Now, he looked puzzled, maybe concerned.
“What’s up, bud?”
The way he wrinkled his nose made Tanner smile – he looked just like Everly when she did that.
“You said when I wake up in the morning. Where am I going to sleep?”
“You and your mom are going to stay at my house.”
“On your ranch?”
“Yeah. But you know it’s not just my ranch, don’t you? It’s my family’s ranch.”
“Do you still live with your mom and dad?”