“Yeah, I get that, too. But we were… At least, I thought that we were more than that. She didn’t feel like someone I just met. I thought… But obviously, I was wrong.”

“I don’t think you were. That’s what I’m trying to tell you if you’d let me finish. She said she didn’t tell you at first, but then she wanted to but just never found the right moment. And don’t fucking interrupt me again. She said shetriedtelling you, but something always got in the way.” Ford frowned. “She said she was about to tell you when you almost hit the deer last night, and then again this morning when you got the phone call about the mare.”

Tanner rested his elbows on the steering wheel and pressed his fingers into his temples. He thought back to last night. His heart started to pound as he remembered the conversation they’d been having before the deer jumped out in front of the truck. She’d been talking about how different their lives were, and that there was something he didn’t know about her – something she needed to tell him.

He leaned back in his seat and stared out at the mountains. This morning, when he’d been so happy to wake up with her in his bed, what had she said? She’d said that there was something he didn’t know about her – a big thing – and that if he still wanted to figure out a way to see more of each other after she told him, then she’d love to.

He glanced over at Ford, who was sitting staring out at the lake, as if he had all the time in the world.

“Say something.”

Ford shrugged. “I’ve said my piece. It’s up to you what you want to do with it.”

“You’re right. I can see it now; she was trying to tell me.”



Ford cocked an eyebrow. “But what?”



“What do I do?”

“First thing you need to do is decide if her having a kid really is a problem for you.”

Tanner shook his head slowly. “I love kids. I… I’ve always known that I wanted to be a dad someday.” Zeke’s voice filled his mind.Be honest with yourself – you’re not ready to be a father, are you?“I told Zeke that I wasn’t ready to be a father, but that was only because it was all such a shock. Look at Wade. He’s a great dad – even though we all thought he never wanted kids.” He nodded to himself. “I could do it. I could be a good dad. I… Or a stepdad. I don’t know what the deal with his father might be.”

“He’s not in the picture.”

“Jesus! Did she share everything with you?”

Ford made a face at him. “She was feeling uncomfortable – and who could blame her, left to have breakfast like that with a guy she barely knew. I’m not saying it was your fault; I know you had to get down to the barn. But look at it from her point of view. She was in a strange house, in a strange situation, I imagine it was something of a relief for her to have someone to spill her guts to.”

“Yeah. I guess you’re right.”

Ford held his gaze for a long moment before holding out the bottle of bourbon and asking, “So, do you want this?”

“Hell no! Take it with you, would you? I need to get up to the Remington place!”

Ford chuckled as he climbed out of the truck. “Good luck.”

“Thanks.” Tanner started the truck and put his window down as he pulled alongside the other truck. “Seriously, Ford. Thank you.”

Ford nodded happily. “My pleasure. Go on, go get her.”

He made it up to Remington Ranch in record time. He’d thought about calling her on the way, but he didn’t know if she’d want to speak to him. He couldn’t remember exactly what he’d said to her before she said goodbye, but he’d been so stunned, so hurt, that he knew it wasn’t anything good.

He preferred to take his chances and catch her by surprise. If whoever was working the front desk wouldn’t tell him her room number, he’d have to call Shane.

He came to a stop in front of the lodge, and jumped out of the truck, not caring that he parked it diagonally across two spaces. His heart was pounding as he jogged up the steps. A girl he didn’t recognize greeted him with a smile when he entered the lobby.

“Hi. How can I help you?”

“Everly.” It hit him for the first time that he didn’t even know her last name. Shit. Why would he expect her to trust him about her kid, when they hadn’t even gotten as far as her last name?