He propped his feet against the porch railing and set the old wooden rocking chair moving as he waited for her. He was prepared to do whatever it would take to make her feel at homehere. He’d have to have a word with Wade later. He always needed help around the lodge; Everly would need a job, and that was the kind of work she was used to doing. He could probably help her get some shifts behind the bar at Chico. That made him smile; it might be fun to work together. There were so many possibilities that he was feeling pretty good about it, until he remembered that he didn’t even know if she’d want to stay.

“Are you done on the phone, Tanner? I need a word.” Travis was sticking his head out of the front door.

“Sure, come on out, but as soon Everly arrives, I’m going to run out there to meet her.”

Travis didn’t smile. He looked far too serious for Tanner’s liking.

“What’s wrong? It’s not like you to look so grouchy.”

“I’m not grouchy, Tan. I’m… I dunno. It might be fine.”

“What might be?” Tanner turned to look up the driveway; there was still no sign of her. “What’s going on, Trav?”

“I was about to ask you the same thing.”

“What do you mean?”

“You don’t know who Everly is?”

Tanner’s heart started to race. “I thought I did, but from the look on your face there’s something I don’t know, isn’t there?”

Travis nodded. “She hasn’t told you about her dad?”

“As a matter of fact, she has. From the sound of it, he’s an asshole. He was supposed to meet her on Friday night, but he let her down – didn’t show, didn’t even send a message. From whatshe said, it’s not the first time, more like par for the course. But wait, why? What do you know? Do you know him?”

“I do. And the thing is, you know him, too.”

“I do? Who…?”

“Zeke,” Travis explained. “Zeke’s her dad. And he’s not an asshole, so don’t go calling him that. He’s had his struggles – we all have. He might not have dealt with them in the best way over the years, but he’s been off the booze for a while now.”

Tanner’s heart was thundering in his chest. He couldn’t process it. Zeke? Zeke was Everly’s dad? It kind of added up. Zeke was supposed to have gotten back from Salt Lake on Friday afternoon. Everly’s dad was supposed to meet her on Friday night. Zeke hadn’t shown. Everly’s dad hadn’t shown. But… Jesus!

Travis’s hand came down on his shoulder. “You’ll be able to work it out with him, I’m sure you will. But…” Travis gave him a pained look. “Your reputation isn’t exactly a secret, is it? Zeke knows what you’re like. And… Dammit, Tanner, you know I love you, kid, but if I were a father, I wouldn’t want you within a hundred miles of my daughter.”

Tanner took his hat off and ran his hand through his hair. “Shit! I get it. But Trav, it’s not like that – not with her. She’s different. I’m different with her. I… I’m just gonna have to talk to him. I don’t imagine he’ll be thrilled in the beginning, but I’ll talk to him. I’ll show him, no matter how long it takes.”

He turned to look when Travis looked past him up the driveway. Everly’s rental car was halfway to the house, and a big, black pickup truck had just turned in off the road behind her.

“Looks like you’re going to get your chance to talk to him sooner rather than later.”

Tanner nodded slowly. His palms were sweating, and his heart was pounding. Did Everly know that her dad was coming? Had she figured out that he and Tanner already knew each other? Had she told Zeke about him? He had no clue, but he was about to find out.

~ ~ ~

Everly’s heart leapt into her chest when she saw Tanner standing on the front porch. He was talking to another man, an older guy with a full, gray beard, wearing a cowboy hat. She hoped that he’d get rid of him when she arrived. She really wanted to talk to him by himself.

She checked the rearview mirror and saw a big, black pickup truck following her down the driveway. Perhaps the man who Tanner was talking to was waiting for whoever was in the truck.

As she got closer, Tanner came down the front steps, but the other man hung back. She stopped the car next to the fence and got out. She went to Tanner but hesitated when she saw the look on his face. “What’s wrong?”

She didn’t understand the way he looked at her. Then, he turned to watch the truck as it pulled up behind her rental car.

“Did you know he was coming?”

“What? Who? What are you…?” She followed his gaze, and her mouth fell open when her dad climbed out of the truck.

“Oh my God! Tanner? Do you know him?”