Dad: I’m sorry, Everly. Something came up. I know that sounds like an excuse, but it really isn’t. I only got back to Montana this morning. Is there any chance that you still want to see me?

She stared at the words until the tears in her eyes made them blur. She wanted to believe him, she truly did. But this wasn’t the first time – or even the dozenth time – that he’d made promises and then let her down. He wasn’t a bad man – he was a good man at heart. She knew that. But good people could still be bad for you, she knew that, too.

She closed the text and played Tanner’s voicemail again. She knew that he’d be disappointed if she didn’t go back to the ranchto have lunch with him and his family. But maybe it was for the best?

She shook her head sadly and pulled up the airline website. She’d see when the next available flight home was. Then she’d call him back.

Chapter Thirteen

Everly threw her bag onto the back seat of her rental car. She closed the door and took a moment to look up at the beautiful mountains before she got behind the wheel. She hadn’t called Tanner yet. She’d call him once she was on the road. Nothing about this trip had worked out the way she’d hoped, and now it was all about to be over.

She started the engine and drove away from the lodge, wondering if she’d ever see it again. She’d sent Corinne an email, hoping that her old friend was still in the habit of ignoring her emails on the weekends. Of course, Everly would love to talk to her, but it was just easier this way. There was nothing for it; she had to go home. Nothing Corinne could say could change that.

She stared at her phone before finally telling it to, “Call Tanner,” as she turned out onto East River Road. As she listened to it ring, she pictured his beautiful face in her mind’s eye. He really was beautiful. She sighed. She was sad to face the fact that he was about to become nothing more than a beautiful memory.

“Hey, darlin’. Did you get my message? Do you want me to come pick you up?”

“It’s okay. I’m on my way. I just left Remington Ranch. I’ll be there in a little while.”

“Do you know the way?”

She laughed. “I think I can manage it. I don’t have the best sense of direction, but even I managed to figure out that all I need to do is get on the main road, head north for a couple of miles, and then keep an eye out for the MacFarland Ranch sign.”

He laughed with her. “Okay. I know you’re more than capable. Just drive safe, okay?”


“Is everything alright?”

She didn’t want to tell him over the phone. She wanted to see him. Wanted to feel his arms around her again.

“What is it, Everly? Tell me?”

“I’ll tell you when I get there.”

“You’ve got me worried. Are you okay?”

“I… I’ll be fine. I… I heard from my dad this morning.” It wasn’t a lie. It just wasn’t the whole truth.

“Okay. You just get here safe, alright? We can talk about it. You’re going to be fine, darlin’.”

Tears pricked behind her eyes. He was such a good guy, and she felt so bad that she wasn’t telling him the whole truth. “I’ll be there soon.”

“I’ll be waiting. I’ll come out front to meet you so that you don’t get swamped by the whole crowd the second you arrive.”

“Okay.” She liked that idea. It was going to be bad enough telling him that she had to leave, she wasn’t looking forward to facing his family as well. “See you soon.”

When the call ended, she sighed. She should have known better – she should never have even dreamed that she might get to be with the sexy cowboy. That wasn’t the way things worked in her world.

A few minutes later, she turned off the highway and under the big wooden sign that already seemed so familiar. Her heart sat heavy in her chest as she wondered if she’d ever see this place again.

As she approached the big house, she could see Tanner standing out front, waiting for her. Life just wasn’t fair – but she already knew that. Her mistake was having hoped – if only briefly – that this time things might somehow work out in her favor.

~ ~ ~

Tanner had spent most of the time pacing since he came down from taking his shower. He didn’t know what was taking Everly so long to call him back. He didn’t like it. He wasn’t worried, not for himself. He was just concerned about what she might have going on.

He’d hung out by the grill with Ty for a while, but he’d grown tired of his little brother spouting supposedly sage advice. He’d finally given up and decided that he might as well take a walk out to the barn to check on the mare while he was waiting. Just as he rounded the side of the house, he smiled when he saw Travis’s white pickup truck parking at the end of what was already a long line of trucks.