He did come across as somehow darker than Tanner and the other brothers, but he was a handsome devil when he winked.

“I’m glad to hear it. And what was it you were about to tell me?”

“That Tanner really doesn’t know me that well.”

Ford frowned. “Are you going to tell me that you’re hiding some dark secrets?”

She laughed. “I wouldn’t exactly describe it that way – although Tanner might see it that way when I tell him.”

“Tell him what?”

“I wasn’t trying to hide it from him. It’s just that every time I’ve been about to tell him, something interrupts us.”

“Go on, put me out of my misery,” Ford said with a smile. “Are you a felon?” His smile faded. “Married?”

“No! Nothing like that. I have a little boy. His name’s Ashton. He’s nine. He’s my whole world. That’s why I don’t think it’s realistic to think that Tanner and I might be able to build anything beyond this week.”

“Because you don’t want to move Ashton away from Napa?”

“No. I was prepared to do that. In fact, that’s the reason that I’m here – I came for a job interview. What I mean, is that I can’t imagine Tanner being interested in … You know.”

Ford looked thoughtful. “I think you should give him the chance to decide that for himself. He’s great with kids – have you met Mateo and Maya? Wade’s kids?”

She shook her head. “He’s told me about them, but I haven’t met them. It sounds like he loves them.”

“He does. We all do.” Ford pursed his lips. “Obviously, I can’t speak for him, but I really can’t see him having a problem with your boy. Is his father in the picture?”

“No. He’s never shown any interest in Ashton, and that was fine by me. We dated for a while, but we broke up while I was pregnant.”

Ford frowned. “Does he contribute?”

Everly sat up straighter, feeling somewhat defensive. She’d been criticized too many times over her choices when it came to the father of her son. “He doesn’t. I made a deal with him; I didn’t name him on the birth certificate and that left him with no responsibilities – or rights.”

She felt herself relax when Ford smiled and said, “That seems like a smart move to me – I’m guessing people have expressed different opinions in the past?”

“Yeah. I’ve been called everything from stupid to cruel. I’ve been as honest with Ashton as I feel is appropriate for his age. As he grows up and has more questions – which he no doubt will – I’ll tell him the truth. If he wants to try and develop a relationship with his father at some point, I’ll do what I can to make that happen. The choice I made was the right one, I believe that with my whole heart and soul. He doesn’t need to live with the ongoing disappointment of being let down on a regular basis. As for the financial side of it, I’m not exactly loaded, but we do alright. He doesn’t go without anything that he needs. And speaking from experience, I can honestly say that knowing that we can’t always get everything we want is a good thing. It puts things in perspective.”

She stopped and made a face at Ford. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to ramble on at you.”

“You didn’t. You explained how things are for you. And I have to tell you that I admire you.”

Her hand came up to cover her heart. It was weird; she didn’t even know the guy, but his words meant a lot. “Thank you, Ford.”

“There’s no need for thanks. I’m just saying it how I see it. I think you should tell Tanner about Ashton just as soon as you can, though. I can’t see him having a problem with you having a kid, but…”

“But what?” Her heart pounded as she wondered what he meant.

“But you should tell him soon; the more time that goes by before you do, the more it’s going to seem like you’re hiding it. Then, the issue isn’t about Ashton, it’s about honesty.”

She blew out a sigh. “I know. You’re right. I feel bad. At first, I didn’t think there was any point – any need. I thought Tanner was just the friendly bartender who I hung out with one night. Now… It’s already so much more than that, but I promise you, I really haven’t been trying to hide it.”

“I get it. I’m just saying how it might look.”


“I reckon it’ll be okay. What do you think, do you want some breakfast while we wait?”

She checked her watch. “I don’t want to stop you from getting on with your day. I have no idea how long it’ll be before he comes back.”