“Well, I’ve got to tell you, you succeeded!” Laney glanced back over her shoulder. “And I’d better get my ass down there. You don’t want me holding this thing up.” She hugged Everly before turning and trotting down the steps.

Now, Shayna was the only one left waiting with Everly and her dad. She hugged Everly, too.

“I’m so happy for you.” She laughed. “And only a little bit jealous. I thought that I was fine taking my time, but seeing you guys getting married…”

Everly squeezed her arm. “You and Ty can do the same just as soon as you want, you know.”

Shayna nodded vigorously. “We decided that we’re going to. But never mind that. Today’s about you – you and Tanner, and Ashton. And now it’s time for me to go. See you at the front.”

Everly smiled as she watched her new friend walk up the aisle between the rows of chairs.

“Are you ready, love?”

She slipped her arm through her dad’s and nodded. “I am. But before we go, there’s something I need to say.”

“What’s that?”

She squeezed his arm. “Thank you. I’m so grateful that you’re here. I didn’t know if I’d ever get married, but I knew that if I did, it wouldn’t be the same if you…” She swiped her thumbs under her eyes to stop the tears that had started to fall.

“Don’t do that, love. We can’t go ruining your makeup just when…”

She laughed. “I won’t. I just needed to say it.”

He turned to face her and wrapped his arms around her. “I’m sorry, Everly, love. I know I can’t make up for the past, but I swear to you, I’ll never let you down again. You’ve got yourself a good man in Tanner – the best. I know that he’ll be what you need – you and Ashton. But I need you to know that I plan to be around from now on – I’ll be here for you, I’m not going anywhere.”

His words brought fresh tears, and she laughed through them as he mumbled, “Shit! I’m sorry, love.”

“Don’t be. This is perfect.”

“It is. I love you.”

“I love you, too, Dad.”

“We’d better get going, Shayna’s nearly at the front now.”

She clung to her dad’s arm, feeling as though she was walking on air – as though if she didn’t hang on to him, she might float away on a cloud of happiness.

She smiled back at all the people who turned to watch them pass. There were so many faces that she didn’t know, but it didn’t matter. They knew Tanner; they were here for him, and to welcome her – her and Ashton.

Once they were inside the round pen, she spotted faces that she did recognize. She was thrilled that Hannah and Grady had made it. They were sitting with Ava, and Hannah’s brother, Xander, and his fiancée, Tori.

Then, she spotted Corinne and Beau. Next to them were Shane and Cassidy, who both grinned and waved at her. The other Remington brothers, Mason and Carter, were there with their wives, Gina and Summer.

Her dad’s friends all gave her encouraging smiles. Some of the girls had sat down already with their men, and the others flanked the archway, mirroring their partners who stood with Tanner on the opposite side.

Tanner. She couldn’t look at him yet. She just needed to… She relaxed when she spotted her mom and Joe. They both smiled, and her mom blew her a kiss.

And then, they were there, at the front. Her heart felt as though it might burst with happiness when Tanner stepped forward. She loved him with all her heart. He was the best man she’d ever met, and he was so good with her son. And a little voice in her head pointed out that, although it wasn’t what mattered most, he honestly had to be the best-looking guy she’d ever known – and she was about to marry him.

She glanced over at his brothers – the whole long line of them! They were a good-looking bunch, but Tanner was something else.

She met his gaze, and he smiled. Shayna came forward to take her flowers, and her dad held her hands and leaned in to kiss her cheek. He opened his mouth as if to speak, but then grasped Tanner’s shoulder, before turning and hurrying to his seat.

This was it, she and Tanner stood facing each other. Ashton grinned at her and jingled the little bag with the rings, making her laugh. She’d been worried that he might lose them, but Tanner had insisted that he could be trusted with them.

“Friends, family, we are gathered here today…”

She listened to Trip speak the words she hadn’t really expected to ever hear said for her. She smiled when he winked at her. He was another one of her dad’s friends. He was a doctor,but he was also the chosen officiant in the group. It turned out that absolutely anyone could officiate a wedding in the state of Montana, but Everly had been happy to go along with Tanner’s suggestion that they should ask Trip. Tanner had known him all his life, and the fact that he’d served with her dad made it seem extra special.