Ford looked out through the window, seemingly checking on Tanner before he answered, “Sure, let’s go.”

As she made her way down the porch steps, Tanner was saying goodbye to the rest of them. It made her smile – the way each of them hugged him and slapped his back looked as though they wouldn’t be seeing each other again for months, but she knew that they’d all be here for lunch on Sunday.

Ty, Kolby, and Luke each hugged her before they left, too. Her dad’s friends smiled and tipped their hats.

Travis swung Ashton down from his shoulders, and then wrapped her in a hug. His eyes twinkled as he said, “I’m gladyou’re here, honey. And believe me, so’s your dad – he won’t let you down anymore.”

“Thanks. I’m glad I’m here, too.”

“So, I’ll see you on Sunday, Uncle Trav?” asked Ashton.

“You sure will, kiddo. See you then.”

The trucks pulled away as she and Ashton walked over to where her dad and Tanner were standing by the fence.

“Did everything go okay?”

Tanner wrapped his arm around her shoulders and dropped a kiss on her forehead. “It couldn’t have gone any better.”

Her dad nodded. That little muscle was ticking in his jaw, and if she wasn’t mistaken, there were tears shining in his eyes.

“What’s wrong?”

He sniffed and swiped his hand over his face. “Not a damn thing, love. Listen, I’m going to head out now.” He smiled at Tanner. “Leave you to it. But before I go, I’ll just say this – I’ll just say…” He cleared his throat. “Oh, fuck it! I’ll say it next time I see you.”

Ashton giggled. “You owe me dollar for the swear jar, Grandpa!”

“Yeah, sorry about that, but sometimes in this life something happens that makes you so happy that you can’t find the words…” He chuckled. “Not any polite words, anyway.” He held his arms out to Everly, and she went and hugged him.

“Are you sure you don’t want to stick around?”

“No. I’ll be back as soon as you want me, but right now,” he smiled at Tanner, “you guys have something more important to take care of.”

The three of them stood out back, waving as her dad drove away.

“Was there some kind of problem?” Everly asked. “I thought he was going to hang out this evening.”

Tanner hugged her to his side. “He was, but like he said, there’s something important that we need to take care of.”

Ashton looked up at him. “Is this it? Are you going to do it now?” he asked excitedly.

Tanner nodded, and Everly gave them both a puzzled smile. “Do what? Will someone fill me in?”

Tanner reached for her hand. “Come on, let’s go up to the apartment.”

As she followed him up the stairs, and Ashton raced ahead of them, she had to wonder what he was up to.

When she stepped inside the apartment, her hand flew up to cover her mouth. The place still wasn’t finished, but it was clean and bright now, and every available surface was covered with dozens of little tea-light candles. She looked around in wonder.

“What the…?”

“Isn’t it awesome?” asked Ashton.

“It’s beautiful, but…”

“Don’t worry,” Ashton reassured her. “They’re not real candles. They’re electric.” He smiled up at Tanner. “We don’t want to burn the place down, right?”

Tanner chuckled. “That’s right.”