He knew more about Zeke’s history with Everly now, and he felt bad for both of them. While he understood things from Zeke’s side, it broke his heart to think of Everly as a little girl waiting and hoping to see her dad, and always being disappointed.

He looked down at Ashton. He couldn’t stand to see him go through the same thing.

Fortunately, Ashton was already over his disappointment. He’d spotted Mateo and Maya, who’d just arrived with Wade and Sierra.

“Can I go and see them?”

Tanner smiled. “Of course we can, come on.”

Wade grinned at him as Ashton and Mateo greeted each other and wandered away together, with little Maya tagging along behind.

“I bet Everly’s relieved that he already has a best buddy lined up at school,” said Wade.

“She is – we both are.”

“And I hope you told her that I’m happy to take him and pick him up with our two whenever you guys need me to,” said Sierra.

Tanner had to laugh. “Thanks. I told her, just like I told her that Shayna’s happy to do the same. Kolby and Callie have offered their services, too. As have Laney and Luke, and Rocket and Spider. Ty, Janey, and Frankie, all offered themselves as backups even though they’re the least likely to be able to get away to collect him.”

Wade grinned. “Everyone wants to do what they can to help them settle in and make life easy for them – for you.”

“I know. I love it. The way it’s going, we’re all going to be fighting over who gets to go for him.” He glanced up at the porch and smiled when he saw Everly sitting with Ford. “And I forgot to mention him – Uncle Ford seems to think that he should be at the top of the list; he and Ashton hit it off from the get-go.”

Wade chuckled. “There’s a big, soft heart under that harsh exterior, you know.”

“You don’t need to tell me. I’m the one who still lives here with him, remember?”

Sierra gave him an inquiring look. He liked her, she didn’t say as much as the others, but it was worth listening whenever she did speak.

“Where do you guys plan to live? I know you made the move in a hurry, so it makes sense to stay in the big house for now, but…”

Tanner shrugged. “I’m going to have to work on it. Like you said, it all happened kind of fast. I think you know that I wasn’t exactly planning to start a family anytime soon. I need to get my shit together and figure out a place of our own.”

Sierra frowned. “You’re not thinking of leaving the ranch, are you?”

He shrugged again. “I don’t see that we have much choice. Ford made it clear that he’s happy to have us there, but we’re going to need a place of our own. And…” He chuckled. “Every dwelling on the property is already occupied. So…”

“But you’re not in a hurry, are you?” Sierra asked.

“Not a big hurry, no, but I don’t want to take too long about it, either.” He loved that Ford was being so laid back about the whole deal, but he was looking forward to the three of them having their own little home. “We’ll get around to it just as soon as we can. For now, we’re fine in the big house. To start with, it’s more important to get Ashton settled in at school, and Everly sorted out at work.”

Wade nodded. “It’ll all come together.”

Sierra smiled. “It will, and I’d love to help if I can.”

“Thanks.” She was a sweetheart. “Let’s get together, the four of us, before you leave this afternoon. I think that with the way Ashton and Mateo have taken to each other, we’re all going to be seeing a lot more of each other now.”

Sierra nodded happily. “I was going to suggest the same thing.”

Wade grinned at him, then he scanned the yard, checking on the kids. “I didn’t know Cash was coming.”

Tanner followed his gaze and laughed when he spotted Cash. “Bear said that they might stop by on their way back to home base.”

“It looks like he wants a word with you,” said Sierra. “I’m going to see what Maya’s up to; I’ll catch up with you later.”

Wade grasped Tanner’s shoulder. “You can’t leave the ranch. We need to put our heads together and see what we can do about building another cabin.”

“Thanks. I’d love the help, since you’ve done it twice already. But that’ll take a while, and I’m not sure that the three of us sharing the big house with Ford all the time is going to be ideal.”