“It’s soon but it’s not too soon. It’ll just take me some time to get used to it.”
“Take all the time you need, darlin’. I’m going nowhere. Well, I’m going back to the ranch, just as soon you say you’re ready to come with me.”
She sucked in a deep breath and blew it out slowly. “After all that? After what you just said? How could I not be ready? Just one more question, though, Tanner.”
“Ask me anything you want – and it doesn’t have to be the last question, you keep asking until you’re sure.”
“Is ittoo fast? Are we crazy?”
He chuckled. “Crazy? Maybe. I can tell you that I’m crazy about you. No doubt about that. And sure, it’s fast. But can you honestly say that it’d be better if we spent six months, or years, or more, living a thousand miles apart, trying to figure out how we’d do if we were together? I give you my word, if this goes south, I’ll do everything I can – as much as you’ll let me – to still be part of Ashton’s life, and to make sure that the two of you are taken care of.”
She reached up to touch his cheek. “You don’t think that you’ll miss your old life? All the women?”
“I know damn well that I won’t.” His smile faded. “Is that a black mark against me? The way I used to be?”
She shook her head slowly. “I don’t think so.”
“I promise you that those days are behind me. And if anything, it might be a positive that I was the way I was.”
She raised her eyebrows and smiled. “Yeah? How are you going to spin it?”
He pressed a kiss to her lips. “It’s not a spin, darlin’. I’m dead serious. I played that game for so long that I know I’m well and truly done with it and won’t ever want to go back to it. You and Ash are my world now – I want to be part of your world.”
He watched her face as she considered his words. He wouldn’t blame her if she didn’t believe him. He hadn’t hidden who he used to be, but even before he met her, he’d known he didn’t want that kind of life to be his future. What he hadn’t known was just how hard and fast he would fall for her and her son.
Her eyes swam with tears as she looked up at him. “You already are a part of our world. You’re fast becoming a central part of it – and I won’t lie, that makes me nervous and happy all at the same time.”
“I won’t let you down, I promise. Trusting that it’s for real will take time, I get that.” He smiled. “And you know it makes sense that we should spend that time together.”
Chapter Twenty-Five
On Sunday morning, Everly finished unpacking their things while Tanner took Ashton down to the barn to see the horses. The last few days seemed to have gone by in a blur. Corinne had called her on Friday morning to tell her that she’d found what might be the perfect job for her – it washerjob. Everly was thrilled for her friend that she was pregnant again. She was even more thrilled for herself that Corinne had told Shane that Everly would be the perfect person to replace her.
When she got off the phone, she’d been excited to tell Tanner the news – but it turned out that he already knew. Everly still wasn’t sure about the entire chain of events, but it seemed that Cash had something to do with Corinne deciding to bring on an assistant manager to train her up before she went off on maternity leave.
It seemed that the second Everly agreed to take the job, someone had hit the fast-forward button on her life. It was hard to believe that was only forty-eight hours ago and now here they were. She’d felt bad not being able to give Doug any notice, but he’d assured her that they’d get by. He was more interested in seeing her happy. Grady and Hannah had offered to box up her and Ashton’s belongings and mail them. It turned out that one of the estate’s pilots had been house-hunting and was eager to take over her lease on the townhouse. All the details had slotted into place before she could even worry about them.
Well, the one detail she was most concerned about was the one she wouldn’t be able to deal with until tomorrow – she needed to get Ashton into school here. Corinne had assured her that it was a great little school. Her daughter, Ruby, was happythere, and Corinne said that the staff in the office were friendly and helpful. She didn’t think there’d be a problem getting Ashton registered and settled in. Tanner’s brother, Wade, and his fiancée, Sierra, had told her the same thing when they came over to welcome them to the ranch, yesterday afternoon.
Their children, Mateo and Maya, went to the school as well. She was grateful that Ashton would have a few familiar faces around. Since there was only one class at each grade level, he’d be with Mateo and Ruby. As much as he liked that idea, the one big downside to all of this for him was that he’d left Ava behind. Everly had had to hide her tears as she and Grady and Hannah watched the two of them say a heartbreaking goodbye. They’d promised to keep in touch, and Ava’s number was now one of the many new contacts in Ashton’s phone.
She finished folding Ashton’s clothes and putting them into the dresser in his room. Then, she sat down on the end of his bed and stared out of the window at the mountains. Was this really happening? She blew out a sigh. There was no point in second-guessing herself now. They were here; she was going to do her damnedest to make sure that it turned out to be the best decision that she’d ever made.
She froze at the sound of footsteps in the hallway outside the bedroom door. As far as she knew, she was the only person in the house. She relaxed when Ford popped his head through the doorway and knocked lightly on the door.
“You doing okay in here?”
“I am. I haven’t just been sitting here on my ass the whole time, I promise. I just finished putting his clothes away.”
Ford smiled. “You can sit around all day if you want to, you know. You don’t need to justify anything. I imagine that you need a minute to catch up with yourself. This all happened kind of fast.”
She let out a short laugh. “You’re not kidding about that.”
Ford came a little closer and leaned against the doorframe. Folding his arms across his chest, he asked, “Are you okay with it all?”
She smiled. “I’m more than okay with it. I’m a little frazzled right now with trying to get a handle on all the details, but yeah. It seems a little crazy, but even more than that it feels right.”
“I’m glad to hear it, honey.”