He wrapped her in a hug and dropped a kiss on her lips before saying, “It was fine. We got him there on time.” Ashton had begged his mom to let Tanner drop him off at school this morning. Tanner loved it, but at the same time while he sat in the drop-off line, he couldn’t help wishing that he was dropping Ashton off at school in Livingston.

Everly gave him a puzzled look. “Was there a problem?”

He shook his head. “No. It was all good.”


He blew out a sigh. “I don’t want to keep dancing around it, darlin’. I’m loving being here with you, but I want to take you guys home with me.”

She nodded slowly. “I think you know that I’d like that, too. But…”

“The school in town is great – and he’d be in the same class as Mateo,” Tanner ventured.

“I know, but… There’s my job.”

“You could find a job up there.”

She made a face. “I’ve been thinking the same thing, but I don’t know where to start – or how long it would take me.”

He pursed his lips, wondering if he should say what had been on his mind. He decided he had to try. “Does it matter? I mean, I’m not saying that you should move up there and rent a place of your own. I’m asking you to come and be with me.”

She met his gaze and held it. “I… Of course I want to be with you – we both do. But… Even if… I mean, I’d want to stay with you, too. But if we’re living in your home, and I have no income…”

He nodded. “I get it. It’s like asking you to give up your independence, isn’t it?”

“It is. And that’s just not who I am. I’m not saying that I don’t trust you – even though part of me thinks that it’s crazy to trust you after such a short time.”

“I know. We’ll figure something out.”

“We will. But let’s not worry about it right now; what do you want to do today?”

He grinned and tightened his arms around her waist as he started backing her toward the stairs. “You. I want to do you.”

She laughed. “You’re insatiable.”

He nodded happily. “I am when it comes to you. And now that the little guy’s at school, I want to make the most of it.”

She laughed. “You mean we haven’t been making the most of every night since you got here?”

He shook his head solemnly. “No. Not saying that I haven’t enjoyed it, but I’ve been restrained – and you’ve been quiet.” He dropped a kiss on her lips and started leading her up the stairs. “Now that we have the place to ourselves, I think we should…”

She nodded eagerly. “I think we should, too.”

Once they were inside the bedroom, he closed the door behind them and backed her up against it. “I’m glad you didn’t get dressed yet,” he said as he slid his hands inside her pajama bottoms.

She gave him a guilty smile. “I wanted to wait for you to get back before I went in the shower.”

He waggled his eyebrows. “I like the way you think. But I think we should call the shower round two, or maybe round three.”

As he spoke, he pushed her pajamas down. Her arms came up around his neck when he brushed his lips over hers.

“Tell me more,” she breathed.

He nipped her bottom lip. “First, I need to taste you.” He dropped to his knees and kissed her stomach. Little bolts of electricity shot down his spine when she tangled her fingers in his hair.


“Oh, hell yeah.” He slid his hands between her thighs and held her open as he trailed his tongue over her entrance. “You taste so damn good.”