Laney laughed when she reached them. “What’s up? I didn’t do anything wrong – I promise.” She turned to Luke. “What did you do? Because I know it wasn’t me.”

“You didn’t do anything wrong – not as far as I know,” Cash told her. “How busy are you guys next week?”

Laney frowned. “Same as usual, why? What’s going on?”

“Are you training youngsters?”

“Yeah, why?” Laney smiled at the others. “I feel like he’s trying to set me up for something – who knows what’s going on?”

Cash laughed. “I’m trying to set all four of you up to help Tanner out.”

“What do you need, bud?” Luke asked.

“Beats me. I’m no wiser than the rest of you.” He turned to Cash. “Are you going to explain?”

“Sure. I’m thinking that instead of working with the colts, you might be better off spending the week withthatyoungster.” He jerked his chin to where Ashton and Mateo were sitting on the bottom rail of the fence.

Tanner frowned. “They have to go home. He’s back at school tomorrow, and Everly’s back at work.”

Cash rolled his eyes. “Exactly. That’s why I want these guys to step up and cover things here so that you can go with them.”


Laney laughed. “Oh is right! Why didn’t we think of that? That’s exactly what you should do, Tan. We can cover things here, can’t we, Luke?”

Luke smiled at Tanner as he said, “Be happy to.”

Ty grinned. “I’ll be here as much as I can, and you know how much Shay loves working with the youngsters; she’ll be here.”

“And me,” said Kolby.

Tanner felt like he was still trying to catch up when Cash cocked an eyebrow at him. “So?”

“I… Hell yeah! Thanks, guys. I don’t know what Everly will make of it, but…” He hoped that she would want him to go with them, but he wasn’t sure what she’d say.

“Looks like you’ll get your chance to ask her,” said Laney.

They all turned to see Everly and Zeke coming around the corner of the house.

“Looks that way,” said Cash. “But it might have to wait a little while.”

Everly and Zeke were coming toward them, but they stopped when Ashton yelled, “Mom!”

He climbed down from the fence and went running to them. Tanner’s heart hammered in his chest as he watched Zeke squat down to greet the little guy. It was crazy, Zeke was his grandpa. While Tanner couldn’t claim any real relationship with the kid yet, he still wanted to rush over there to protect him.

“It’s gonna be fine,” Cash said in a low voice.

Tanner nodded; on a logical level, he already knew that.

The others were all smiling as they watched Ashton and Zeke chat. Cash leaned in closer and spoke so quietly that only Tanner could hear. “Even though he doesn’t know him, Zeke loves that kid. He knows how badly he hurt his daughter over the years – he won’t hurt the kid.”

“He’d better not.”

Cash chuckled. “I never thought I’d see the day when you were territorial over a kid. But just think on this – Ashton’s desperate to belong somewhere. If you guys play this right, he can have a dad and a grandpa at the core of his new family.”

Tanner had to swallow. He didn’t trust himself to speak.

~ ~ ~