He shifted from one foot to the other. “I just didn’t want to worry you.”
“Honestly, Dad? At this point I’d rather be worried about whatever it is than keep thinking that you’re making up excuses.”
He blew out a sigh. “Okay. I’ve been doing some jobs for Cash and Mav here and there over the last couple of years. There was one job last year where things went wrong. I can’t tell you too much about it. All that matters is that there are some people who want to get back at Cash and Mav. They thought that I might have some information that they wanted. So, they… waylaid me on my way out of Salt Lake. That’s why I didn’t make it back here in time to meet up with you.”
She frowned. “But you were back here on Sunday. You could have… We could have…” She pursed her lips. “I’m torn now – torn between thinking that I’ve been too hard on you when I should have been worrying about you and wondering if this is just a convenient story.”
He shook his head sadly. “I don’t blame you for feeling that way, Everly. I really don’t. It’s the truth, but if you don’t believe me, I understand.” He met her gaze and held it. “If you want me to leave, I’ll get back in the truck and drive away. I’ll leave it a while before I reach out again, but I’m sorry, love, I’m never going to stop trying altogether.”
“I want to believe you, Dad, I really do. I… I’ll tell you what, how about for today while we’re here, we just stick a pin in all of it. Ashton’s been longing to meet you. I don’t think I could forgive myself if we didn’t make it happen today. Let’s just set everything else aside and enjoy this afternoon as if it’s a one-off visit. How about that?”
Even as she said the words, she’d doubted the wisdom of them, but she’d never forget the smile on her dad’s face as hethanked her. In that moment, she didn’t know if she was brave enough to do as Cash had suggested and take the leap. All she knew was that she’d made the right choice for today, for her son, for her dad – and for herself.
~ ~ ~
Tanner stood at the grill, gripping his bottle of beer tightly. Ty was flipping burgers while he joked around with Kolby. Tanner smiled as he listened to them, but he couldn’t focus on what they were saying. He was keeping an eye on Ashton who was deep in conversation with Mateo. He was grateful that it looked like the two of them were getting along well – he was hoping that they’d become good friends over time. Of course, they’d only get to spend time together if he could convince Everly to move here.
She’d gone out front to meet her dad when he arrived, so that the two of them could talk in private. Tanner didn’t know how that conversation would go. He kept glancing at the corner of the house, hoping that she and Zeke would walk around it together.
He startled when Cash slung his arm around his shoulders and laughed.
“Get your head out of the clouds, Tan. It’s all going to be okay; she’s talking to Zeke out front.”
“That’s what I’m worried about – what’s taking them so long?”
Cash chuckled. “Give them a minute, would ya? Think about it; their conversation isn’t just about what’s going to happen this afternoon or next week. I know that’s all you can think about, but they have a whole lifetime’s history to work on.”
“I know. It’s just…” He glanced over at Ashton. “I’m not going to lie – not going to claim that I don’t selfishly want them towork it out – but it’s more than that. That little guy right there? He’s desperate to get to know his grandpa.”
Cash nodded slowly. “I get that. I don’t think that’s in question, though. She’s got a good head on her shoulders; no matter what she decides, she’ll do what she thinks is best for the kid. Ashton and Zeke will get to know each other, I don’t doubt it. The only question is how long it will take her to trust Zeke not to break the kid’s heart like he’s broken hers.”
Tanner blew out a sigh. “Shit! I am being selfish, aren’t I? I’m most concerned about moving them up here somehow, but there’s so much more to it than that for her.”
Cash grasped his shoulder and gave it a shake. “It’s not selfish. Being with you, being here, letting Zeke into their lives, it’s all wrapped up together. And when you look at it that way, you should be able to see how it might take her some time. That’s why I’m saying that it’s not going to be all sorted out with one five-minute conversation.”
“Yeah. I need to give her more time, don’t I?”
“More time to make her mind up about moving here, yeah. But that doesn’t mean you need to back off while she thinks about it.”
“It kind of does. They have to go home this afternoon.”
Cash smirked at him.
“What?” Tanner eyed him warily. “What are you thinking? You’re scheming; I can tell.”
Cash chuckled. “You say that like it’s something out of the ordinary; I’m always scheming, you know that.”
Tanner had to laugh with him. “True but tell me what you’re thinking.”
Cash looked at Kolby and Ty, who were both following their conversation with interest. “How busy are you guys next week?”
“I don’t have much going on,” said Kolby.
“We’re almost done with getting the restaurant ready,” said Ty. “I have some stuff I need to do, but I can make myself as free as you need me to be.”
“What are you thinking?” Tanner asked again.
Cash chuckled. “Give me a minute.” He gave a piercing whistle that had everyone turning to look in their direction. “Laney! Get your ass over here. You too, Luke!”