“It’s okay, you don’t need to answer right now. Give it some thought, and let me know in the morning, if you want.”

“Ready, Mom! Are you coming up? Is Tanner still on the phone?”

She closed her eyes for a moment. Tanner could be here this time tomorrow? She bit down on her bottom lip as her heart and mind raced. Would that be crazy? Probably. Did she want him to come? Absolutely.

“He is,” she called back. “I’ll be right up. Tanner has something to ask you.”

“Is that a yes?” Tanner asked.

“It is. We might be crazy, Tanner, but it doesn’t seem crazy. It seems…” She couldn’t think of the word, but he provided it for her.

“I know… It seems right, doesn’t it?”

“It does.”

She had to laugh when Ashton yelled from the top of the stairs, “Are you coming? What does he want to ask?”

~ ~ ~

“Do you have any idea what time you’ll be back on Sunday?” Kolby asked. They were on their way up to the airport in Livingston, where they were meeting Cash. Cash had decided to come home for the weekend and asked if Tanner wanted to use the jet.

Tanner’s answer had been hell yeah, but at the time, he hadn’t known what Everly’s answer would be. As it turned out, both she and Ashton were eager for him to visit.

“I don’t, yet. We can check with Cash. He said that he’ll need to leave in the evening, but he didn’t say what time.”

“Just let me know if you want me to come pick you up. It doesn’t make a difference what time it is.”


“Not a problem. Although, don’t be surprised if Callie’s with me and wants to ask you a million questions.”

Tanner grinned. “Even if she’s not with you, I’ll no doubt have to face an inquisition when I get home. I’ve heard from every single one of the girls today.”

Kolby rolled his eyes. “Don’t let them gang up on you; take your time and figure it out for yourself.”

“Thanks. The weird thing is, I’ve already figured it out.”

Kolby shot him a puzzled look before turning his attention back to the road.

“She’s it for me, Kolby.”

His brother nodded slowly. “I’m not going to question you about that – if you know, you know. I get it. That’s how it was for me with Callie. But what about the kid?”

Tanner shrugged. “I’m not worried. He sounds like a great little guy. I mean, I need to get to know him, and he needs to get to know me, but I don’t foresee too many problems.”

“I hope you’re right.”

“Yeah, me too.”

When they arrived at the airport, the jet had just landed, and Tanner was surprised to see Mav walking across the tarmac with Cash.

“Did you know he was coming?” Kolby asked.

“No. It’s been so long since he came with Cash that I just assumed we wouldn’t see him this time, either.”

When Cash reached them, he hugged Kolby before turning to Tanner and wrapping his arm around his neck, knocking his hat off in the process. Tanner just gave in – there was no point in even trying to struggle.

Cash laughed as he rubbed his knuckles across Tanner’s head. At the sound of Mav laughing as well, Tanner turned his head so fast that he almost choked himself on Cash’s arm. Cash let go of him with a grin.