“Wouldn’t it be easier for her to figure things out in a place where her dad and her man could help out with the kid?”

Tanner grinned. “I think so. But I don’t feel like I can push for that.”

“You don’t push.”

“What do I do then?”

“You make it the obvious choice.”

“How do I do that?”

“She was in Montana for an interview in the first place, right?”


“So, that means that she was prepared to move for a job. Now, it’d make even more sense for her to move if she had a job, right?”


“Jesus, Tan!”

“I’m not stupid. But I can’t exactly conjure up a job for her out of thin air, can I? And besides, that wouldn’t feel right. That’d feel like I was manipulating her into doing what I want.”

“True.” Cash was quiet for a few moments. “I’ll call you back.”

“Okay. Are you busy?”

Cash laughed. “I am. I’m going job hunting. It wouldn’t be right for you to find her a job, but if you happen to hear about one – say, from your big brother – that would be a great fit for her, then you’d be helping her, right?”

Tanner shook his head with a smile. “You’re right.”

“Aren’t I always? Talk to you later.”

~ ~ ~

Everly stood with Grady and Hannah, watching Ashton and Ava walk Scooter, Ava’s dog, back up the long driveway that ran through the estate. All the other kids had gone home half an hour ago, but Ava had begged for Ashton to be allowed to stay a little longer to take Scooter on his walk.

Grady slung his arm around Everly’s shoulders. “So, what’s the news from your mom? Have you figured out what you’re going to do?”

“I haven’t spoken to her. She’s been texting when she can. It sounds like they’re crazy busy making arrangements for the funeral.”

“And they don’t plan to come back?” Hannah asked.

“If they do, it’ll only be to sell the house.”

“And you’re not going to follow them?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Well, you know that we’ll always help out with Ashton if you need us,” said Hannah. “In fact, we should make sure that we get Slade added to the list of people who can pick him up. Usually it’s one of us, but Slade ends up being the one to pick Ava up at least once a week.”

“No. I couldn’t ask him. It’s good enough of you guys…”

Grady laughed. “I’ll ask him. You’ve got no worries. If it were up to him, he’d collect Ava from school every day – and he loves Ashton. He and Willow were here earlier, and he and Ashton were having a good old chat about something.”

“Well, if he wouldn’t mind, it’d probably be a good idea. I talked to Mel, and she’s going to help out as much as she can. It should be fine, but the more options we have if we’re in a pinch…”

“We’ll have a word with him, don’t worry.”