“I am.”
“And what about Zeke?”
“I went over to Travis’s place on Tuesday to see him. I told you that he apologized, didn’t I?”
“Well, after that, I figured that I might as well keep him in the loop. He doesn’t get a say – at least, not as far as I’m concerned. It’s up to Everly how she deals with him. But I decided that I’m going to be straight with him – I told him where we are, and I told him where I hope this is going.”
“And he’s okay with it?”
“He says he is. I really don’t blame him for hating the idea in the beginning.”
“You can see it from his point of view,” said Luke.
“I can. But I’ve been straight with him about how things are for me, and if he doesn’t want to trust me now, that’s his problem.”
“Fair enough. So, you’re all good, then?”
“As good as I can be. I’ll be even better if I can get her back up here.”
“Do you think that you can make it happen?”
He shrugged. “I’m going to do my damnedest.”
“Let me know if I can do anything to help.”
“Are you working this weekend?”
“No? We were going to come in to see you.”
“I called in and told them that I need the weekend off.”
“Are you planning a trip by any chance?”
He couldn’t hide his smile. “I haven’t made any real plans yet, but I’m hoping. I didn’t want to let Brody down if I came up with something at the last minute. And besides, I don’t remember the last time I took a weekend off.”
“Would you fly down there?”
“I think I’d have to. Ty and I used to drive when we were stationed in Coronado. But it’s a hell of a long way, I’m getting too old for that shit. We used to drive straight through in under twenty-four hours. The last time Ty made the trip, he and Shayna took a few days. I don’t have that kind of time.”
“You should see if Cash is coming home – and ask if you can borrow the plane.”
“That’s not a bad idea. I might just do that. I haven’t spoken to him for a while.”
Luke pulled his phone out of his pocket. “Be right with you; this is Laney.”
Tanner laughed. “You better get it.”
Luke walked away as he talked on the phone. It made Tanner happy that his best friend and sister were together – that they were engaged.
Luke ended the call and came back to join him. “I’m going to have to head back. We just had a feed delivery.”
“Okay. Thanks for coming over. When are you guys getting married?”