With that, she hurried back to her rental car and climbed in. Tanner and her dad seemed frozen as they watched with matching stunned looks on their faces while she turned the car around and pulled away.
Tears streamed down her face as she raced back up the driveway toward the main road. She could still see them in the mirror; two men in cowboy hats, like some Western silhouette yard art. She sobbed when the thought hit her that they were the only two men whom she’d ever loved, and yet, she couldn’t have either of them in her life.
She turned out onto the highway, headed for the airport. She needed to get a grip. It was crazy to claim that shelovedTanner – but the ache in her chest sure felt like her heart was breaking as she left him behind.
Chapter Fourteen
Tanner watched the little rental car all the way to the end of the driveway. He drew in a ragged breath when it turned out onto the highway; whenEverlyturned out onto the highway – and left.
White noise filled his head as he tried to process the events of the last few minutes. He flinched when a hand came down on his shoulder.
“What the hell just happened?” asked Travis.
“She’s… She’s gone.” His heart felt as though it cracked when the finality of those two words hit him. She was gone. She’d left. That was it. He blew out a big sigh. She’d lied – she’d been lying to him the whole time.
He turned to look at Zeke.
“What happened?” Travis asked again.
Zeke met Tanner’s gaze. “I just did them both a favor.”
“What do you mean? How?” Travis asked.
“Neither of them knew what they were getting themselves into. I set them straight.”
Tanner just stared at him. Everly had known what she was getting herself into. He’d made no secret of his past – hell, from their very first conversation at the bar, Everly had teased him about the way he flirted with women. He’d been honest with her from the get-go – he’d been up front with her so that she could decide for herself about him.
But she hadn’t done the same with him. She’d lied.Lied.The Everly he’d thought he knew wasn’t a liar. The girl he’d thought he was falling in love with wouldn’t have deceived him – especially not about something so important.
Zeke shook his head. “You’ll get over it, Tanner. It’s for the best. I’m not gonna stick around.” He turned to Travis. “I’ll see you later.”
Tanner didn’t say a word. He just watched Zeke climb into his truck and turn it around before heading back up the driveway just as Everly had done only minutes ago.
“Are you okay?” asked Travis.
“No. I’m not. I need to get out of here.” He was relieved to find his keys in his pocket. “If anyone notices that I’m missing, tell them I’m fine.”
Travis scowled. “Not happening, kid. Where are you going?”
“For a drive. I don’t know. I have no fucking idea. I just need to get out of here, Trav.”
“Keep your phone turned on – promise me that, and I’ll let you go.”
“Okay.” Tanner started heading for the side of the house, glad that his truck was parked out of sight from the back porch where his family was all gathered – no doubt having a good time, with no idea about what had just happened.
“Can I tell them what went down?” Travis called after him.
“Sure, why not?” He didn’t want to talk about it with anyone. He’d rather the rest of the family did their inevitable postmortem of his brief relationship with Everly while he wasn’taround. He stopped abruptly and did a U-turn, heading back into the house through the front door. Seeing that there was no one in the dining room, he hurried in and grabbed a bottle of bourbon from the liquor cabinet.
When he made it back to the front door, Travis was standing outside it, arms folded across his chest as he barred Tanner’s way.
“Not happening, Tan. Go for a drive if you want to, but if you’re going to drown your sorrows, you can do that here.”
Tanner glowered at him. “For fuck’s sake, Trav! I’m devastated, not stupid!”
“So, where are you taking that? And how do you plan on getting back?”
“I’m going down to Dailey Lake. When this is empty …” he held up the bottle “… I’ll sleep it off right there.”