“Don’t be crazy. It’s not going anywhere – it can’t. You know that – you know my deal, and you know his. You of all people should know better.”

Corinne shrugged happily. “I’m not such a practical soul as people make me out to be. I’m a closet romantic at heart.” Her smile faded. “If you want my advice – and I know you didn’t ask for it – you should tell him about Ashton sooner rather than later.”

“You’re right. I should. But only because it’ll be good to talk about him. I miss him. And on that note, I’m going to run up to my room and call him.”

“You do that, I’ll see you in a little while.”

Chapter Nine

Everly studied her reflection in the mirror – she didn’t look bad. She’d spent far too much time debating with herself as to whether she should wear the short denim skirt that she’d brought with her. In the end, she’d decided against it. She’d only packed it for the trip at her mom’s suggestion. She couldn’t remember the last time that she’d worn it.

She’d opted instead to wear her favorite butt-hugging jeans and a pretty, floral, V-neck top. The top wasn’t exactly low-cut, but it was flattering. She leaned in closer to the mirror. She’d had another debate with herself about her makeup. When she worked behind the bar at home, she made an effort. Other than that, she preferred to go fresh faced with just a little mascara and lipstick. Tonight, she’d wondered if she should go with her full-on going out look but had decided against it.

The girl in the mirror looked much the same as she had last night. It might be tempting to make more of an effort to impress Tanner, but it didn’t feel like the right move. He liked her for who she was; she knew that. If he wanted a girl who was more concerned with the way that she looked, then he had plenty of them to choose from.

She hurried to grab her phone from the bed when it beeped with an incoming text. She laughed when she read it.

Tanner: Are you nearly here yet?

She was about to tell him that he sounded just like Ashton, but then she remembered that he didn’t know about Ashton yet. She really needed to tell him as soon as she could. It wasn’t that she’dtried to hide it from him. It was like she’d told Corinne earlier; she just hadn’t found the right moment.

Everly: Not yet. Cassidy and Shane are giving me a ride. I’m meeting them in the lobby at eight.

She wondered what he’d have to say about them giving her a ride. She didn’t know which explanation was more embarrassing – she’d either have to tell him that she’d been so caught up in spending time with him that she hadn’t even thought about how she was going to get her rental car back after leaving it at the bar last night, or that she was assuming that he’d bring her back again tonight.

Tanner: I know! I told Shane that I’m holding him personally responsible for making sure that you show up.

That made her smile. It had been years since she’d dated anyone, but in her experience, guys tended to play it cool. She loved that he was being so open about wanting to see her again.

Everly: I told you I’ll be there.

Tanner: I know, but I didn’t want to take any chances. Are they going to take your rental car back to the lodge for you?

Everly: Cassidy offered to drive it back for me – if you don’t mind giving me a ride again?

Tanner: You know I don’t – or you should know. Gotta get back to work. See you soon.

Everly: Okay. See you there.

Tanner: And hurry up, would ya? Not trying to be bossy; I just can’t wait to see you again.

Everly: Aww. Looking forward to seeing you, too. Won’t be long.

She picked up her purse and made sure she had the room key before heading down to wait for Shane and Cassidy in the lobby.

~ ~ ~

“What’s with you tonight?” Brody scowled at Tanner as he reached in front of him to grab the soda nozzle. “You’re off your game.”

Tanner grinned at him. “Sorry. I’m just keeping my eye on the door. I promise I’ll get my shit together once she arrives.”

Brody cocked an eyebrow. “Who? Oh wait, you mean the girl from last night?”

“I sure do.”

Brody chuckled. “What’s the deal? It’s not like you to go back for more.”

Tanner scowled at him. “I want to be mad at you, but I can’t. Normally, you’d have a point, but this is… Everly’s… She’s different.”