“No! No, I don’t. Slow, down, lady. I wasn’t trying to get rid of you, don’t think that – don’t ever think that. I was fumbling around because I’d like you to come see the ranch. I want to show you the horses – what I do, where I live. But …” He looked so uncomfortable when he glanced over at her that she took his hand and gave it a squeeze while she waited for him to go on.
“But for one thing, I don’t know if you’d enjoy any of that. Don’t know if you even like horses, and for another … Shit. I’ll just say it. I was hesitating because I don’t bring girls around the ranch.”
“That’s okay, I understand. You don’t need to ask me …”
He squeezed her hand tightly. “Did you hear the first part of what I said, or are you determined to only look for an out?”
She sat up a little straighter, somewhat irritated by what he said, but when she thought about it for a second, he kind of had a point. He’d said that he wanted to show her the horses, the ranch, hishome.
“Sorry. I jumped to the wrong conclusion again, didn’t I?”
“Then explain it again – slower this time. What’s the real problem?”
He blew out a sigh. “There’s going to be no hinting at things with you, is there?”
She laughed. “Nope. You have to spell it out for me – like I’m a little kid.”
“Okay. So, what I really mean is that I want to take you to the ranch, want to show you around. But I’ve never – no, that’s not true. I used to bring girls around when I was a kid, but since I came home – after the Navy – I haven’t brought a girl home.”
“And bringing me would be a problem? Or you just don’t want to break your streak?”
He laughed. “No! I … Jesus, I don’t know what my problem is. I guess I’m worried about the guys making a big deal out of it.”
“That’s okay, I don’t embarrass easily, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“I’m not. I – I’m more worried that they’ll embarrass me.” He gave her a rueful smile. “I suppose I’m hoping to impress you, and I’m worried that they’ll blow it for me, but I’ve already done that myself, huh?”
“Aww. You really are sweet under all your good looks and charming ways, aren’t you? You didn’t blow anything. I’m already impressed. I’m impressed by who you are.”
When he looked over at her, she nodded emphatically. “I’m not messing with you – I mean it. You might be a bit of a playboy, but you’re a good man, Tanner.”
He squeezed her hand again before letting it go to take the wheel. “Thanks.” He turned off the road and followed a driveway that led under a huge, wooden sign that bore the name MacFarland Ranch. “Would you try to hold onto that thought if these guys start giving me shit?”
“I’ll do better than that – if anyone starts giving you any kind of crap, I’ll set them straight.”
He chuckled. “Aww.I’m not sure I’ve ever used that word seriously before, but I get it now. Thanks, honey.”
She shrugged. “No need to thank me. You’re my friend, and I’m not going to stand by while they tease you – especially if it’s because of me.”
“Nice to know that you’re the loyal kind.”
“Yeah.” His comment kind of took the wind out of her sails. She’d like to think that she was the loyal kind, but other than Ashton and her mom and Joe, she didn’t have anyone to be loyal to.
She stared at the big ranch house as they drove by – it was huge.
“That’s where I live,” Tanner told her. “There’s only me and Ford still there these days.”
“Where’s everyone else?”
“They still live on the ranch. Kolby and Callie have a place up there...” He pointed to a spot on the horizon where trees lined a creek. “Ty and Shay have a cabin up past the lodge. Janey and Rocket’s cottage is out past the barn. Laney bought her own place with Luke – they have horses, too. And Wade, who you haven’t met yet, has a big ass cabin beyond Kolby and Callie’s place. He and his fiancée, Sierra, have two little kids, Mateo and Maya – they’re awesome.”
“Wow! There are so many of you.”
“Yeah, and that’s not all of us – I forgot our eldest brother, Cash, but he doesn’t live here – in Montana. Although, I’m hoping he’ll move home soon.”
He drove on past the big house and parked outside a huge barn. He cut the engine and turned to her with a smile. “You want to see the stud?”