“What do you mean?” Tanner and Ford asked at the same time.
“It means that it’d be easier to believe that a girl knocked you on your ass by punching you than in the way I meant – thatshe’s got your head all turned around. That you l-u-r-v-e her,” he added with a laugh.
Ford rolled his eyes. “Jesus, Ty! Grow up.”
Tanner had to laugh at the way Ty scowled. “I’m serious! You should have seen him. All the hot chicks were trying to hit on him as usual, and he barely even noticed them. He was all doe-eyed, too busy mooning over Everly.”
Ford cocked an eyebrow at Tanner, and all he could do was shrug. He didn’t even want to deny it.
“Well, shit!” Ford said. “Another one bites the dust, huh? I thought for sure that it’d be years before you’d leave me as the last bachelor brother of MacFarland Ranch.”
Tanner laughed. “Yeah, don’t go getting ahead of yourself. Everly’s awesome, but…”
“And besides,” added Ty, “You’re not the last man standing. You forgot about Cash.”
Ford made a face. “I try to. Anyway, whatever the reason you’re around this morning, Tan, are you coming to help with the herd? I didn’t ask because I didn’t think you’d be here.”
He shook his head with a smile. “Sorry, no can do. I’m taking Everly out to breakfast.”
He had to laugh when Ty did the same thing that Ford had earlier – he looked up at the kitchen ceiling and asked, “She’s not…?”
“Nope. I was a gentleman. I kept my word and dropped her off at the Remington place like I said I would.”
“Fair enough,” said Ford. “What about you, squirt? Are you here to help?”
“Sorry, bud. If you still need us later, Shay and I can come over and ride, but she’s sleeping in this morning. I’m headed over to check on the restaurant and to have a word with Travis.”
“How’s he doing?” Ford asked. “Are he and Retta coming to lunch tomorrow?”
“They are. I asked if Zeke wanted to come, too, but it doesn’t look like he will.”
“Why’s that?” Tanner asked. He liked Zeke; he was another former SEAL who’d served with their older brother, Cash, and his friends. He hadn’t stuck with the rest of them after they retired from the Navy. From what Tanner had gathered, he’d fought an ongoing battle with booze.
Ty made a face. “He’s not back from Salt Lake yet. Travis is worried about him. You know how he went down there to see Eli? Well, the seeing Eli part was probably a good idea, but Trav hasn’t heard from him since Thursday. He’s worried that Zeke might have fallen off the wagon again while he’s in the city.”
“Damn. I hope not,” said Tanner. “It seemed to me like he was doing well.”
Ford nodded his agreement. “Yeah, whenever I’ve talked with him, he’s been determined to stay away from the bottle this time. Says he has bridges to build with his family.”
“Has Trav checked with Eli? For all we know, Zeke might have been in a car wreck on the way back or something,” Tanner asked.
“I’ll let you know what I find out after I’ve seen Trav. The only reason I know anything is because Trav texted me last night. He knew that we were at Chico, and he wondered if Zeke was there,” said Ty.
Tanner gave him a puzzled look. “I’ve never seen Zeke in there since he arrived.”
Ty shrugged. “I think maybe Trav was worried that he was there drinking. I dunno. He just seemed to think that he might be there. Like I said, I’ll let you know what I find out. I just hope he’s okay.”
“Yeah, me too,” said Tanner.
Ford checked his watch. “Keep me in the loop, would you? I need to get to work.”
After he’d gone, Ty grinned at Tanner. “So?”
Tanner grinned. “She’s awesome!”
“I know that much. But she’s not here? And you’re not there?”
“No. I know; it’s weird, isn’t it?”