Tanner relaxed when both Cody and Wyatt grinned and said, “He’s one of us now.”
“That’s right,” said Sloane. “Have a good day, boys.”
Tanner cocked an eyebrow at Ashton, and he nodded. He didn’t seem worried anymore, either.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Everly bumped into Shane as she was leaving work at the end of the day. She was just about to climb into Tanner’s truck when he pulled up beside her.
“Hi, Everly. How’s it going?”
“It’s going great. I’m glad I bumped into you; I’ve been wanting to say thank you.”
He chuckled. “I’ve been wanting to thank you as well. I had a feeling that Corinne was going to abandon me once this baby comes along. I’m glad things have worked out this way.”
“Me too! I really am grateful.”
“Like I said, it’s a two-way street. Corinne’s really knocked this place into shape, and I know you worked with her before. She sings your praises.”
“I won’t let you down.”
“I know. How’s everything else? Are you and little Ashton getting settled in at the ranch?”
“We are. Everything’s going well.”
Shane laughed. “I bet they were disappointed to lose Tanner at Chico.”
“I imagine they were. I told him that he didn’t need to give it up.”
“Nah. Why would he want to spend his weekends working there when he could be at home with you and the little guy?”
She smiled. “That’s exactly what he said.”
“I’m not surprised. Anyway, I’d better let you go. Are you headed to school to pick Ashton up?”
“No. Tanner’s on school duty this week – I told him that he didn’t need to do that, either.”
Shane eyed the truck with a smile. “Let me guess, you’re in his truck, while he’s driving a ranch truck?”
“That’s right, why?”
“I reckon that he’s making a statement.”
“What kind of statement?”
“Everyone around here knows the MacFarlands. If they see Ashton being dropped off and picked up not only in a ranch truck, but also by Tanner himself, everyone will know what the deal is.”
“And what exactly is the deal? What do you mean?”
Shane chuckled. “He’s telling the whole world – or at least the whole valley – that Ashton is his. By the end of the week, even if they don’t know how it happened, they’ll all know that Tanner has a son, and that Ashton is one of the MacFarlands.”
Everly couldn’t keep the smile off her face.
Shane nodded. “I like it, too. But go on, you get on home – I need to have a word with Corinne before she leaves.”
“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Yep, see ya.”