“You too, but did you see that?”

Ashton scrambled up into the back seat and fastened his seatbelt. “It was nothing, Mom. Let’s go. You’re holding up the line.”

“I don’t care. Did you see…?”

The teacher smiled at her. “Boys will be boys. I didn’t see anything, but the boys like to mess around in the pickup line.”


“I really need you to move along.”

Everly scowled when vehicles behind her started to honk their horns impatiently.

The teacher smiled again. “See what I mean? You’re from California, aren’t you? I’m sure you’ll get used to things around here soon enough.” With that, she closed the door and waved Everly on.

Everly pulled forward, intending to go and park in the teacher’s lot so that she could have a word with someone.

“Are you okay?”

Ashton met her gaze in the rearview mirror and scowled. “I’m fine. It’s like she said – we were just messing around.”

“It didn’t look that way to me.”

Ashton heaved a big sigh. “Well, it was. Stop trying to make a big deal out of it, would you? Can we just go home?”

Everly was torn. She didn’t want to let it go but at the same time, she didn’t know if she was being too protective. It wasclear that the teacher thought so. Everly had already learned that while most folks in the valley were welcoming, there were some who resented the recent transplants like herself – especially those from California.

When the vehicle behind her honked its horn again, she blew out a frustrated sigh and pulled away from the school. She wasn’t going to let it go, but she’d see what she could get out of Ashton – or maybe Mateo – before she took it any further.

Once they were out on the highway, headed back to the ranch, she glanced over her shoulder to check on him.

“Are you sure you’re okay?”

He nodded but didn’t meet her gaze. “I told you it was nothing.”

She had to admit defeat for now, she knew she wouldn’t get any more out of him on the subject. “Okay, so how was the rest of your day?”

“It was good. Is Tanner working late tonight?”

“No, he said that he wants to finish early. He wants us to go down to the barn. Apparently, there’s something he wants to show us.”

She was relieved to see him perk up at that. “What does he want to show us? Do you know? Do you think I can ride Houdini?”

“I don’t know what he wants to show us, but I don’t think it’s about you riding – you guys have your lesson set up for tomorrow morning.”

Ashton made a face. “Cowboys ride every day.”

She had to laugh. “You’re right, I suppose they do. All I can tell you is that Tanner didn’t mention anything about that. He just said that he wanted us to come down to the barn because he has something to show us.”

She was relieved to see him smile. “It’ll be cool, whatever it is.”

“I’m sure it will.”

~ ~ ~

“They’re coming,” called Luke.

Tanner looked out through the dusty window and smiled when he saw Everly and Ashton walking down the path from the big house. “Shit! I was hoping that they’d be a while longer.” He looked around at the dusty furniture, piles of boxes, and all the spare tack and tools that had been stored up here.