“Just—” I lean forward, resting my elbows on the desk. “There’s a lot going on. The Vultures. Riley. I don’t want to drag her into our mess, and she insists upon being involved in every way possible.”
Anya nods, understanding etched on her features. “You’re protective. I get it. But she’s in this with you now. You can’t keep her at arm’s length.”
“Believe me, I’m trying,” I mutter, raking a hand through my hair. “But the more I get to know her, the more I want to keep her safe. And with everything going on…” I trail off, my thoughts drifting to Riley’s kidnapping.
Anya’s gaze sharpens. “You’re worried about Riley.”
“Sure, I suppose. I’m more worried about what Gwen will do to me if I don’t get her back,” I chuckle, then turn serious. “. I just… I can’t let Gwen get caught in the crossfire.”
“Maybe you should let her in,” she suggests gently. “She might surprise you.”
A teasing smirk creeps onto my lips. “She surprises me, all right.”
Anya laughs, a musical sound that brightens the room. “Ew!” She feigns barfing, then shakes her head. “Grossness aside, it sounds like she’s good for you. You need that balance in your life.”
“Balance,” I repeat, contemplating the weight of her words. Gwen’s warmth and spirit bring a lightness I didn’t know I needed. But then, there’s the darkness that follows me, lurking just beyond the door. I can’t hide from it, and I don’t want it to swallow Gwen as well as me.
“Speaking of balance, I’m taking Gwen out today,” Anya announces, cutting through my thoughts. “We’re going to bond.”
“Bond?” I raise an eyebrow, half-amused, half-intrigued. “This is the first I’ve heard of it. Does Gwen even know? What’s your plan?”
“I’m sure she’ll say yes when I ask. I thought we’d do some shopping,” she replies, a mischievous glint in her eye. “Maybe grab a coffee and talk girl stuff. You know, help her feel like part of the family.”
“Sounds harmless,” I say, but a knot forms in my stomach. “Just—keep her safe.”
“Roman, I’m not taking her to a gunfight. I’ll keep her out of trouble,” Anya reassures me, her voice steady. “You worry too much.”
I don’t worry too much, that’s the thing. I’m always calm, cool, and collected, mostly because I’m always in control. But this, Riley’s kidnapping and Gwen’s resilience, is the first occurrence of me lacking control for a long while. I trust Anya, I really do, and I want to trust Gwen. But who knows if she’ll try to sneak away to find Riley herself? Or, try to escape from me?
Would she? Does she want to?
I shake my head, a mix of irritation and concern churning. “It’s not just about today. The Vultures are still out there. I want her to be ready.”
Anya tilts her head, considering my words. “What do you mean?”
“Gwen needs to know how to handle herself,” I explain, the idea forming more solidly in my mind. “We need to prepare her for whatever comes next. I don’t want to shield her from everything, but I also don’t want her to be naive about our world.”
Anya’s eyes widened, and a slow smile spread across her face. “You’re suggesting I take her shopping for a disguise, aren’t you?”
“More like a wardrobe update,” I clarify, though my intentions are far more serious. “On top of a fresh closet, she also needs something that can help her blend in, just in case.”
Anya bursts into laughter. “Oh, Roman, you’re so sweet. I thought you meant a sexy little outfit. Haha! You know how I think.”
“That’s not—” I sigh, running a hand through my hair again. I quickly push away the thoughts of Gwen in different outfits. “I just want her to be prepared.”
“Got it. I’ll make sure to find her something functional and cute,” Anya says, nodding enthusiastically. “But you can’t blame me for thinking you might want to dress her up for a different kind of party.”
“Anya…” I warn, but she just laughs again, playfully sticking her tongue out at me.
“Relax, big brother. I won’t let her out of my sight. She’s safe with me.”
I exhale, the tension in my shoulders easing slightly. “Just make sure she knows how serious this is.”
“Of course. We’ll keep it light. Girls’ day out, right?”
I nod, finally feeling a bit more at ease. “Fine. Just—be careful. We need to get Riley back.”
“Leave it to me.” Anya gives me a cheeky salute and spins on her heel to leave the office, leaving me with the remnants of my thoughts and the weight of responsibility pressing down on my chest.