“Doesn’t mean that you aren’t.”

Air left my lungs slowly, taking with it the last of my panic. My hands went to the hem of my sweatshirt again. I hesitated, still feeling self-conscious about removing my clothes.

I tried to hold on to what Gio and Dimitri had said, letting their sentiments sink through me, fortifying the steel they promised I was made of.

You’re strong.

I slowly peeled off my top and pants, revealing the blue bikini underneath. Dimitri and Giovanni let their attention roam, drinking me in from head to toe, scars and all. There was a mixture of protective heat and restrained anger in their eyes, a silent vow that no one would harm me again. Those looks enveloped me like a warm hug that felt like safety. Like home.

Their reactions took the edge off the urge to cover myself. But it was the admiration and desire blazing in their twin gazes that truly gave me courage.

“You look stunning, Kitten,” Dimitri purred.

Shyly, I tucked my hair behind my ear. It wasn’t until I came to know these men that I’d ever been paid such nice compliments. “T-Thank you,” I stammered, partly from nerves and partly because my teeth were nearly chattering. As if it was finally free enough from past trauma, my brain registered the temperature. “Oh my God, it’s freezing out here!”

Gio’s laugh boomed around me as Dimitri’s amused smirk tipped his lips.

“It’s October in New York.” D headed back to the grill to tend the steaks. “It wasn’t going to be warm. You’re all crazy for swimming this late in the season.” He punctuated his words with a wave of the tongs he picked up.

“Come on. Let’s get you in the warm water.” Gio held out his hand, and I took it, letting him lead me toward the edge of the pool.

I smiled up at him, realizing I loved how much the guys initiated physical contact. The Omega part of me preened at their easy attention.

Taking a deep breath, I eased into the pool, warmth enveloping me the deeper I waded. The crisp air contrasted sharply with the heated water, sending goosebumps racing across my skin. I waded in further, letting it reach my waist, then my chest, until I was submerged up to my shoulders.

“There you go,” Gio murmured encouragingly from beside me, his large hand splayed protectively over my lower back. “How’s that feel?”

“Heavenly,” I sighed, gathering my hair into a messy bun to keep the mass contained. I dove, then resurfaced, droplets clinging to my eyelashes, momentarily blurring my vision. I blinked them away to find Gio watching me intently, a soft smile playing at his lips.

“Incoming!” Tommas’ playful shout was my only warning before a wave of water crashed over us. I sputtered, wiping my face, only to spot him grinning mischievously.

I probably looked like a drowned rat. My eyes narrowed wickedly. “Oh, you wanna play?” I declared, surprising myself with my boldness as I lunged forward, sending a splash his way.

Tommas dunked under the surface, only to emerge laughing a moment later. He scrubbed a hand down his face to clear the water away, still grinning. “Ooh, my Butterfly’s got some fight in her!”

Marco paddled over on his float, quirking an eyebrow. “You sure you want to start a war, Angel? You’re outnumbered.”

“No, I’m not.” I hooked my arm through Gio’s. “The big guy is on my team.”

Gio arched a brow at me. “That so?”

I blinked up at him prettily and put on the charm. “Are you going to tell me no?”

A slow, devastating smile split his face. “This is dangerous.”

I cocked my head. “What is?”

“How you’ve realized so early on that I can’t deny you anything.”

I grinned up at him with a small shrug. “I’m just embracing my super powers.”

Gio reached out and ran his thumb along the bottom line of my lip. “Good girl.”



That same flutterywarm feeling filled my chest as I gazed up at Giovanni, and I realized how hard and fast I was falling for him. Forall of them.