I held onto that feeling, wanting to savor it, wanting it to last.
Maybe, just maybe, Tommy was right, and I had finally found the place I belonged.
The scent hit me first—thatmidnight forest, mossy signature infused with moonflowers mingling with Tommas’ familiar musk. My feet froze mid-stride, and I had to back up to take in the sight I’d almost passed by. There in one of the hallway nest areas we’d set up with our future Omega in mind, Kitania lay curled against my brother’s bare chest. Her dark hair fanned out across his skin as they both breathed evenly, telling me they were both deeply asleep.
A growl rumbled low in my throat.
A wave of possessiveness, raw and unfamiliar, crashed over me before I could rein it in.
Tommas’ arm was draped protectively over Kitania’s slim frame, holding her close. Her fingers were splayed over his abdomen, her head resting on his chest. Dark lashes kissed her cheeks. It struck me how peaceful her face was in sleep, free from the shadows of fear that had haunted her eyes since we’drescued her. A sharp pang of jealousy twisted in my gut. She looked so goddamn comfortable with him. Serene. Content.
And I was a complete and utter asshole for the envy that rose and consumed me.
Clenching my fists at my sides, I wrestled with the urge to stalk over there, scoop her up, and carry her back to my room and into my bed, wanting to be the one to hold her close.
Fuck.I had no right to feel this way. I’d always planned to share a mate with my brothers, but I hadn’t been prepared for the jealousy I’d experience when their connections progressed ahead of my own. It was understandable that our relationships might grow at different paces. The logical part of my brain knew I was being a goddamn idiot.
But holy hell was the longing for her real.
The shrill ring of my cell shattered the quiet. I fumbled to silence it, glancing anxiously at the sleeping pair. Kitania stirred slightly, but didn’t wake. Thank fuck.
My father’s name flashed on the screen. Of course. Because things lately weren’t complicated enough already.
With one last glance at Kitania’s serene face, I turned and strode towards my office as I tried to control the storm of emotions roiling inside me.
It shocked me how much I didn’t want to leave her in order to deal with whatever business my father was calling about. But I knew she had trouble sleeping, had heard her whimpers and cries at night. Knowing she was finally relaxed enough to get some decent rest eased the jealousy and made me once again grateful that my brother had been there for her when she’d needed one of us.
Next time, however, I’d make sure it was my turn.
Closing the office door behind me, I leaned against it and took a deep breath to refocus. The smell of ink and paper that infused my sanctuary did little to calm my racing thoughts.
I swiped to answer the call. “Father.”
“Dimitri.” His voice was like worn leather, rough yet smooth. “We need to talk.”
Nothing good ever followed those four words.
I pinched the bridge of my nose, steeling myself. “What’s going on?”
“I could ask you the same thing. Rumor has it that you and your brothers have been seen with a mysterious woman. Care to explain?”
I should’ve been prepared for this call. Visiting Vino’s yesterday had been our best option, but I’d known the news of Kitania would get back to my father. My people were his people first, and we had eyes everywhere.
“Our last extraction didn’t go quite as planned,” I told him, choosing my words carefully.
He knew all about our foray into helping our friends in Pack Jacobs—and, by association, the Feds—rescue the stolen Omegas who’d been sold on the black market. If it had been for any other reason, he would’ve forbidden our involvement. The only tenderness my father, Emilio Cristenello, showed—beyond his family—was reserved for Omegas.
Thankfully, he’d given us his blessing to lend a hand, making a comment about how it never hurt to have a few agents who owed you favors.
“The woman we rescued, Kitania…” I trailed off, then decided to just spit it out. “She’s our scent match.”
Silence stretched across the line for a beat. Then, his booming laughter filled my ear. “You found your Omega! Dimitri, this is wonderful news!”