“You’re going to look great in everything. Just pick what you like best. No pressure, alright?”
I nodded, worrying my lower lip between my teeth. When Marco turned to leave, my panic flared. Without thinking, I reached out, my fingers brushing his arm. “Are you leaving?” I asked, hating how small my voice sounded.
Marco’s eyes softened, and he placed his hand over mine. “I’ll be right outside,” he assured me. “Thought you might be more comfortable with a woman to help you zip things than one of us.”
My chest tightened at the idea of being alone with Jennica, but I forced myself to nod. These Alphas had already done so much for me. I couldn’t keep clinging to them like a scared child during a thunderstorm.
As Marco walked away, I took a deep breath and faced Jennica with a shaky, tight-lipped smile. I reminded myself that I was safe here. That no matter what happened behind this door, four strong, protective Alphas were waiting just outside.
I could do this.For them.
Jennica pushed me further into the dressing room and closed the door, her arms loaded with the last of the guys’ picks. I pressed myself against the wall, trying to make myself as small as possible.
“Here,” she ordered, dumping an assortment of delicate fabrics onto the bench. “Lingerie, nightgowns, and silk pajamas. Most of this will fit you, but whether it’ll flatter your boyish figure is another question altogether.”
Her words hit me like a slap. I flinched, wrapping my arms around myself protectively. My eyes stung, but I blinked rapidly, refusing to cry in front of this woman.
“I… I don’t need all of this,” I whispered, my gaze fixed on the floor.
Jennica snorted. “Please. Your coy act won’t work on me. You may have those Alphas fooled, but I know you’re just a gold digging whore who secretly loves all the attention and gifts. Probably more so because you’re anOmega.” She spat my designation like it was poison. “Now strip.”
Speechless, I stood there, unsure what to do or say. Tears pressed against the back of my eyes, but I held them in by sheerforce of will. I reminded myself I’d been through far worse, that her words could only hurt me so much.
Still, I hated confrontation, and my hands shook as I reached for the hem of my borrowed shirt. Jennica’s impatient sigh made me freeze.
“Oh, for heaven’s sake,” she grumbled. “What do the Cristenello brothers even see in you? Are you always this helpless?”
I swallowed hard, shame burning through me. “I’m sorry,” I whispered.
“Don’t apologize. Just hurry up. I don’t have all day to babysit you.”
It felt pointless to remind her that we were the only customers in the store, or that these Alphas were about to spend an insane amount of money here. It wouldn’t surprise me if this was her biggest sale all year, even if I walked out with only half of this stuff.
As I fumbled with my clothes, I couldn’t help but think that Marco had been wrong. I had a feeling I would have been more comfortable with one of the guys after all.
The harsh lightsof the dressing room stabbed at my eyes, giving me a headache as I shimmied into a dress that didn’t fit quite right. Smoothing it over my modest curves, I wobbled on my heels, nearly stumbling into the wall as a fresh wave of dizziness washed over me.
We’d been here for hours already, and I was wearing down. In truth, I’d been done trying on clothes about ten outfits ago, but hadn’t wanted to stop lest I disappointed the guys.
You can make it. I gave myself a pep talk.Only a few more things left to try on.
I blinked rapidly to clear the dark spots that crept in at the edges of my vision. My legs felt like jello, threatening to give out beneath me. Striving to keep myself upright, I propped a palm against the dressing room wall and forced myself to suck down a steadying breath.
“Jesus, you look like death,” Jennica sneered, her voice grating on my already frayed nerves. “I bet you haven’t eaten in days, have you? Starving yourself to impress those Alphas?”
I bit my lip, averting my gaze to the hardwood floor. She was wrong, of course, but her words cut deep, anyway. The last thing I wanted was for her to realize the effect she had on me. I had to keep going. There were still outfits the guys had picked out that were just sitting there, ready to be tried on. I wouldn’t disrespect them by not considering all their choices.
What if they were waiting to see something in particular?
“I-It’s not what you think,” I tried to explain.
Jennica snorted. “Sure it’s not.” Her eyes rolled. “You’re practically begging for that rough sex.” She sneered, making the wrong assumption about my bruises.
I gaped at her. The dark, fading marks on my skin were extensive, and she’d seen most of them while I tried on clothes. That she thought these Alphas wouldeverharm me like that, especially for fun, made me physically sick.