I wasn’t. I really,reallywasn’t.

But I nodded anyway.

The guys surrounded me as we entered the shop, their scents offering comfort even as they drove me to feel like I was comingout of my skin. The sensations were at odds with each other, and yet the duality made complete sense.

Marco held the door open for the rest of us to step inside. A rush of cool air greeted me, accompanied by a sudden, almost shocking absence of smell. The brothers’ addictive signatures vanished in an instant, replaced by a sterile nothingness that made my nose twitch.

I blinked, momentarily disoriented by the abrupt change.

“Scent neutralizers,” Gio explained, noticing my confusion. “High-end shops use them to prevent our pheromones from tainting the clothing or influencing purchases.”

I nodded, grateful for the explanation, but conflicted about how I felt. On one hand, the absence of their intoxicating scents left me feeling oddly bereft, like I’d lost a security blanket. The warm, spicy, heady notes were gone, leaving a hollow ache in the center of my chest.

My Omega wanted to whine at the loss, already used to being surrounded by their signatures.

On the other hand, my mind cleared and the edge of lust I’d been fighting since the moment I got in the car eased enough that I could focus on more pressing matters.

Like how the shop girls were eyeing our group with wide, scared eyes as the door swung shut behind us.



Marco followedme into the boutique, crashing into me when I froze a few feet inside as my gaze widened. Everywhere I looked, expensive outfits draped stylish mannequins, each price tag dangling with more zeros than I’d ever seen.

A pair of jeans on a nearby rack probably cost more than my entire wardrobe back at the OMA.

The two shop girls exchanged harsh whispers, their eyes darting between me and the men surrounding me. My cheeks burned, wondering if it was me they were talking about.

Before I could shrink further into myself, the click of heels against hardwood drew my attention. A stunning woman in her mid-twenties approached, all long legs and glossy red hair. Her name tag read ‘Jennica.’

“Mr. Cristenello. Welcome to Maison Couture. It’s an honor,” she purred. Her gaze quickly assessed and dismissed me beforesliding back to Dimitri and his brothers. “I’m Jennica and I’ll be at your service today. How can I assist you, gentlemen?”

I tugged at the hem of my borrowed shirt, suddenly hyper-aware of how I must look standing beside this polished beauty. Jennica radiated confidence from her perfectly coiffed hair to the tips of her four-inch stilettos. Meanwhile, I felt like an awkward, gangly colt next to a sleek racehorse.

Dimitri’s deep, authoritative tone brooked no argument, as though he only planned to issue orders once. “We’re here to purchase a new wardrobe forour Omega.”

The way he stressed those last two words had butterflies fluttering in my stomach, and I gazed up at him, my lips parting. I never expected him to outright claim me in public, especially when I looked like I belonged on the back of a milk carton.

Jennica’s sultry smile didn’t waver, but her eyes flicked to me for the briefest moment. In a single heartbeat, she sized me up. I caught a flash of something cold in her gaze before she returned her attention to the guys.

“Of course,” she said smoothly. “I’d be happy to help you select some lovely pieces for the... young lady.”

An irrational flare of jealousy surged through me as she leaned in closer to Dimitri, her hand brushing his arm.

What was wrong with me? I had no real claim on these men. We’djuststarted courting. We weren’t bonded. I didn’t bear their marks. And yet…

I bit my lip, trying to quell the unfamiliar emotions roiling in my chest. “I-I don’t need much,” I stammered, already wishing this shopping trip was over, now for more reasons than not wanting to spend their money. The faster we got away from this harlot, the better. “Just some basics would be fine.”

Gio’s warm hand settled on my shoulder. “Nonsense,Dolcezza. We want you to have everything you need.”

Tommas nodded in agreement. “And then some. I’ve been waiting my entire life for the moment I could spoil my Omega. We might as well just buy the whole goddamn store.” He looked around like that was actually a possibility.

My eyes stung at their kindness, despite nearly choking on my spit. There was no way I was going to let them purchase theentire store. Were they out of their minds? I didn’t need even a quarter of this stuff. My attention drifted to an elegant evening gown that, while beautiful, was completely unrealistic.

Where on earth would I wear half these things?

Jennica clapped her hands together, dollar signs already in her eyes. “Wonderful! Why don’t we start with some casual options?” She studied me again, less dismissively than before. “I have some lovely blouses that would suit your... frame.”