“I want nothing more than to see all of you someday.” I grazed my thumb over her cheek again, a gentle caress. “But only when you’re ready. We’ll go at your pace.”

Tenderly, I smoothed the strap back over her porcelain shoulder, letting my finger linger for the barest moment. Her lids drifted shut, her lips parting as she let out a soft exhale. Tension visibly seeped away.

Something visceral shifted inside of me, andfuuuuck. I knew I was owned, then and there. My girl was only twenty-two and hadn’t even had her first heat yet—a fact we discovered during her physical exam—and she’d already survived more abuse in her short time on this earth than anyone should ever have to go through. It was clear she had scars, and not the ones that littered her creamy skin, but deeply internal ones. She needed comfort to soothe the hurt and therapy to battle through the trauma she’d endured. And yet, on top of all that, she was touch-starved for the right kind of affection, not that she realized it.

Kitania needed her Alphas to take care of her. To protect her and let her bloom into the woman she so desperately deserved to become.

I vowed then and there I’d always be there for her, always look out for her wellbeing. Whether or not she accepted me as her mate, she had me. I was done for. A goner. Every fucked up piece of my soul belonged to this beautiful, innocent Omega.

“I’ll give you some privacy,” I murmured, forcing myself to turn away and offer her the solitude she deserved. “I just want to make sure you get into the tub safely. I’m gonna keep my back turned while you climb in, then I’ll leave.”


The rustling of fabric reached my ears, followed by a gentle splash as she settled into the welcoming water. A breathy sigh of contentment escaped her lips, and the barest hint of a smile played at the corners of mine.

“Call out if you need anything. I’ll be right outside.”

I left her, resisting the urge to turn and drink in the sight of her submerged up to her shoulders, covered with a cloud of bubbles.

Closing the door with a soft click, I noticed my brothers standing in the room. Giovanni and Tommas were setting a plate of food on the nightstand along with a glass of water and a mug of something that smelled like tea. Dimitri crossed to the end of the bed, laying out some of our clothing for her to wear. I spotted a pair of his boxers, Tommas’ sweatpants, a pair of tall, comfortable socks that belonged to Gio, and one of my t-shirts. There were various other items from each of us that she could curl up in. Andfuck, I couldn’t wait for the day I got to see her draped in one of my shirts… and nothing else.

I nodded toward the bundle on the bed. “Good thinking. Those should help her feel a bit more at ease. Not having to wear…” I trailed off, unable to describe the filthy rag of anightgown we’d found her in. I was going to burn that thing to fuckin’ ash, so she never had to see it again.

“It’ll do for now. I want to take her shopping and buy her a new wardrobe, but that’ll have to wait until she’s feeling up to it.” Dimitri sighed, his gaze straying to the closed ensuite door. “How’s she doing?” he asked, his tone hushed. As the eldest, he’d always felt responsible for us. Now that instinct extended to our Omega as well.

“She’s a fuckin’ mess, man.” I scrubbed a palm over my stubble. “You saw the bruises, the scars. And the way she flinched when Doc touched her…” I trailed off, jaw clenching. “She wasn’t sure if I expected her to strip in front of me when I drew her a bath.”

Giovanni’s eyes narrowed, a muscle in his cheek ticking. “We need to end the rest of the Valentinos.Tonight.” His hands clenched into fists.

I understood his urge for vengeance. Felt it simmering in my own veins. But Kitania had to come first.

“I want nothing more than to put them in the fuckin’ ground. But our Omega needs us here.” She was trying her damnedest to hold it together, but if my Alpha instincts were right, she was hanging on by a thread. “We gotta focus on taking care of her right now.”

Tommy nodded, face solemn. “I agree. Besides, can you honestly tell me any of your Alphas are gonna let you leave the penthouse, knowing she’s weak and injured?”

“Fuck!” Gio roared, because that was the crux of it. Even if we split up, our Alphas would never tolerate being separated from our newly discovered mate.

“Shhh,” I shushed him, glancing quickly toward the bathroom door, but it was just as quiet as it had been this whole time. The penthouse was relatively well insulated and soundproofed. I hoped she was bathing in peace instead ofeavesdropping on our conversation. “We don’t want to scare her.”

“Marco’s right,” Dimitri relented. “I don’t know about you, but my Alpha instincts are raging. I can’t leave her here alone. I’d get five feet down the damn road and probably come out of my goddamn skin with how badly I needed to see her. To protect her. But that doesn’t mean we can’t take action.”

Gio scrubbed a hand over the short stubble of his hair. “Enzo and Nick?”

They were two of our best friends, as well as our best enforcers. They’d earned our complete respect over the years and were often the first people we called when we needed something done. We wouldn’t trust anything this important to anyone else.

Dimitri was already texting, his fingers flying over the screen. “I’ll have them track down the dirty rats and keep an eye on them. Once our Omega is stable, we’ll gather a team and move in on Rocco and Vincent.” His tone brooked no argument.

“Agreed.” I breathed out a harsh exhale, raking both hands through my hair. My inner Alpha raged at being forced to delay retribution, but it would be even worse if I tried to walk away from Kitania tonight when she needed us the most.



Sweat rolleddown the groove of my spine as I pounded the heavy bag with a flurry of jabs and crosses. My boiling frustration powered each strike.

Three days—three fucking days Kitania had been locked away from us.

With a grunt, I slammed my taped fists against the punching bag’s worn leather, the dull thud echoing through the gym. My muscles burned with exertion, but the physicality of it all helped drown out the nagging worries clawing at the back of my mind.